Namespace: ngeox.profile




The POI data extractor is used to extract data from a POI. The POI is an item of the POI data array.

Name Type
id function
dist function
z function
sort function
title function


dist: function

Extract the distance from origin of a POI.

id: function

Extract the id of a POI.

sort: function

Extract the sequence number of a POI.

title: function

Extract the title of a POI.

z: function

Extract the elevation of a POI.



Options for the profile.

Name Type
styleDefs string | undefined
poiLabelAngle number | undefined
formatter ngeox.profile.ProfileFormatter | undefined
distanceExtractor function
linesConfiguration Object:.<string:, ngeox.profile.LineConfiguration:>
poiExtractor ngeox.profile.PoiExtractor | undefined
light boolean | undefined
lightXAxis boolean | undefined
scaleModifier function | undefined
hoverCallback function | undefined
outCallback function | undefined
i18n ngeox.profile.I18n | undefined


distanceExtractor: function

Extract the distance from origin of a point (an item of the elevation data array).

formatter: ngeox.profile.ProfileFormatter|undefined

Formatter giving full control on how numbers are formatted.

hoverCallback: function|undefined

A callback called from the profile when the mouse moves over a point. The point, an item of the elevation data array, is passed as the first argument of the function.

light: boolean|undefined

Show a simplified profile when true.

lightXAxis: boolean|undefined

Show a simplified x axis with only both end ticks.

(non-null) linesConfiguration: Object:.<string:, ngeox.profile.LineConfiguration:>

Configuration object for the profile's lines. The key string of each object is used as class for its respective svg line.

outCallback: function|undefined

A callback called from the profile when the mouse leaves the profile.

poiExtractor: ngeox.profile.PoiExtractor|undefined

Extractor for parsing POI data.

poiLabelAngle: number|undefined

Inline CSS style definition to inject in the SVG.

scaleModifier: function|undefined

Allows to modify the raw x and y scales. Notably, it is possible to modify the y domain according to XY ratio rules, add padding or enforce y lower bound.

styleDefs: string|undefined

Inline CSS style definition to inject in the SVG.