Class: GmfLayerWMS




(non-null) childLayers: Array:.<!gmfThemes.GmfLayerChildLayer:>

(non-null) dimensions: ngeox.Dimensions

The dimensions managed by the layer, if the value is null we will take the dimension from the application. Present only on layer in a mixed group.

Inherited From:

(non-null) dimensionsFilters: ngeox.DimensionsFiltersConfig

The dimensions applied by filters on the layer configuration, if the value is null we will take the dimension from the application.

Inherited From:

editable: boolean|undefined

Inherited From:

id: number

Inherited From:

layers: string

The comma separated list of WMS layers or groups.

maxResolutionHint: number

The max resolution where the layer is visible.

(non-null) metadata: gmfThemes.GmfMetaData

The related metadata.

Inherited From:

minResolutionHint: number

The min resolution where the layer is visible.

name: string

Inherited From:

ogcServer: string|undefined

style: string|undefined

Inherited From:

time: ngeox.TimeProperty|undefined

The time information if the layer directly manage it, see also {gmfThemes.GmfGroup.time}.

type: string


Inherited From: