Class: component_ component:gmfProfile


new component_()

Provide a component that display a profile panel. This profile use the given LineString geometry to request the c2cgeoportal profile.json service. The raster used in the request are the keys of the 'linesconfiguration' object. The 'map' attribute is optional and are only used to display on the map the information that concern the hovered point (in the profile and on the map) of the line. This profile relies on the ngeo.profile (d3) and ngeo.ProfileComponent.


HTML attributes:
Name Type Attributes Description
gmf-profile-active boolean Active the component.
gmf-profile-line ol.geom.LineString The linestring geometry to use to draw the profile.
gmf-profile-map ol.Map <nullable>
An optional map.
gmf-profile-linesconfiguration Object:.<string:, gmfx.ProfileLineConfiguration:> The configuration of the lines. Each keys will be used to request elevation layers.
gmf-profile-hoverpointstyle <nullable>
Optional style for the 'on Hover' point on the line.
gmf-profile-numberofpoints number <nullable>
Optional maximum limit of points to request. Default to 100.
gmf-profile-options Object:.<string:, *:> <nullable>
Optional options object like ngeox.profile.ProfileOptions but without any mandatory value. Will be passed to the ngeo profile component. Providing 'linesConfiguration', 'distanceExtractor', hoverCallback, outCallback or i18n will override native gmf profile values.