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  • ProfileController



$element_: JQuery<HTMLElement>
$filter_: IFilterService
$http_: IHttpService
$scope_: IScope
active: boolean
getMapFn: (() => Map)

Type declaration

    • (): Map
    • Returns Map

getOptionsFn: (() => {})

Type declaration

    • (): {}
    • Returns {}

    gettextCatalog_: gettextCatalog
    gmfProfileJsonUrl_: string
    isErrored: boolean
    isLoading: boolean
    layersNames_: string[]
    line: LineString
    map_: Map
    measureTooltipElement_: HTMLElement

    The measure tooltip element.

    measureTooltip_: Overlay

    Overlay to show the measurement.

    nbPoints_: number
    ngeoCsvDownload_: DownloadCsvService
    ngeoOptions: ngeoProfileOptions
    options: any
    pointHoverOverlay_: FeatureOverlay
    pointerMoveKey_: EventsKey
    profileData: ProfileElement[]
    profileHighlight: number

    Distance to highlight on the profile. (Property used in ngeo.Profile.)

    profileLabels_: I18n
    snappedPoint_: Feature<Geometry>


    • $onInit(): void
    • createMeasureTooltip_(): void
    • downloadCsv(): void
    • getDistanceOnALine_(pointOnLine: Coordinate): number
    • Return the distance between the beginning of the line and the given point. The point must be on the line. If not, this function will return the total length of the line.


      • pointOnLine: Coordinate

        A point on the given line.

      Returns number

      A distance.

    • getJsonProfile_(): void
    • getLayersNames(): string[]
    • getProfileDataError_(resp: IHttpResponse<never>): void
    • getStyle(layerName: string): object
    • Return the styler value of a ProfileLineConfiguration.


      • layerName: string

        name of the elevation layer.

      Returns object

      The object representation of the style.

    • getTooltipHTML_(): string
    • hoverCallback_(pointObject: unknown, dist: number, xUnits: string, elevationsRef: Object, yUnits: string): void
    • Parameters

      • pointObject: unknown


      • dist: number

        distance on the line.

      • xUnits: string

        X units label.

      • elevationsRef: Object

        Elevations references.

      • yUnits: string

        Y units label.

      Returns void

    • outCallback_(): void
    • removeMeasureTooltip_(): void
    • updateEventsListening_(): void
    • update_(): void

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