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Module srcapi/store/config



Type Aliases



Type Aliases

APIConfig: { backgroundLayer?: string; extent?: number[]; localeUrl?: string; projection?: string; projections?: {}; queryableLayers?: string[]; resolutions?: number[]; searchUrl?: string; themesUrl?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional backgroundLayer?: string
  • Optional extent?: number[]
  • Optional localeUrl?: string
  • Optional projection?: string
  • Optional projections?: {}
  • Optional queryableLayers?: string[]
  • Optional resolutions?: number[]
  • Optional searchUrl?: string
  • Optional themesUrl?: string
Circle: { displacement?: number[]; fill?: Fill; radius: number; stroke?: Stroke }

Type declaration

  • Optional displacement?: number[]


  • Optional fill?: Fill

    Fill style.

  • radius: number

    Circle radius.

  • Optional stroke?: Stroke

    Stroke style.

Configuration: { authenticationBaseUrl: authenticationBaseUrl; gmfAuthenticationConfig: gmfAuthenticationConfig; gmfAuthenticationNoReloadRole: gmfAuthenticationNoReloadRole; gmfBackgroundLayerSelectorOptions: gmfBackgroundLayerSelectorOptions; gmfContextualDataOptions: gmfContextualDataOptions; gmfCsvFilename: gmfCsvFilename; gmfCustomCSS: gmfCustomCSS; gmfCustomJavascriptUrl: gmfCustomJavascriptUrl; gmfCustomStylesheetUrl: gmfCustomStylesheetUrl; gmfDatasourceOptions: gmfDatasourceOptions; gmfDisclaimerOptions: gmfDisclaimerOptions; gmfDisplayQueryGridOptions: gmfDisplayQueryGridOptions; gmfDisplayQueryWindowOptions: gmfDisplayQueryWindowOptions; gmfEditFeatureOptions: gmfEditFeatureOptions; gmfElevationOptions: gmfElevationOptions; gmfExternalOGCServers: gmfExternalOGCServers; gmfFloors: gmfFloors; gmfI18nextConfiguration: InitOptions; gmfLayerTreeOptions: gmfLayerTreeOptions; gmfLayersUrl: gmfLayersUrl; gmfMobileMeasureAreaOptions: gmfMobileMeasureAreaOptions; gmfMobileMeasureLengthOptions: gmfMobileMeasureLengthOptions; gmfMobileMeasurePointOptions: gmfMobileMeasurePointOptions; gmfMousePositionOptions: gmfMousePositionOptions; gmfObjectEditingToolsOptions: gmfObjectEditingToolsOptions; gmfOptions: gmfOptions; gmfPermalinkOptions: gmfPermalinkOptions; gmfPrintOptions: gmfPrintOptions; gmfPrintUrl: gmfPrintUrl; gmfProfileJsonUrl: gmfProfileJsonUrl; gmfProfileOptions: gmfProfileOptions; gmfProjectionsOptions: gmfProjectionsOptions; gmfQueryGrid: gmfQueryGrid; gmfRasterUrl: gmfRasterUrl; gmfSearchGroups: gmfSearchGroups; gmfSearchOptions: gmfSearchOptions; gmfShareOptions: gmfShareOptions; gmfShortenerCreateUrl: gmfShortenerCreateUrl; gmfSnappingOptions: gmfSnappingOptions; gmfThemesOptions: gmfThemesOptions; gmfTreeManagerModeFlush: gmfTreeManagerModeFlush; gmfTreeUrl: gmfTreeUrl; gmfTwoFactorAuth: gmfTwoFactorAuth; ngeoCsvEncoding: ngeoCsvEncoding; ngeoCsvExtension: ngeoCsvExtension; ngeoCsvIncludeHeader: ngeoCsvIncludeHeader; ngeoCsvQuote: ngeoCsvQuote; ngeoCsvSeparator: ngeoCsvSeparator; ngeoGeolocationOptions: ngeoGeolocationOptions; ngeoMeasureDecimals: ngeoMeasureDecimals; ngeoMeasurePrecision: ngeoMeasurePrecision; ngeoMeasureSpherical: ngeoMeasureSpherical; ngeoNominatimSearchDefaultParams: ngeoNominatimSearchDefaultParams; ngeoOfflineTestUrl: ngeoOfflineTestUrl; ngeoPermalinkOgcserverUrl: ngeoPermalinkOgcserverUrl; ngeoPointfilter: ngeoPointfilter; ngeoProfileOptions: ngeoProfileOptions; ngeoQueryOptions: ngeoQueryOptions; ngeoRoutingOptions: ngeoRoutingOptions; ngeoScaleSelectorOptions: ngeoScaleSelectorOptions; ngeoSnappingTolerance: ngeoSnappingTolerance; ngeoStreetviewOptions: ngeoStreetviewOptions; ngeoStringToHtmlReplacements: ngeoStringToHtmlReplacements; ngeoTilesPreloadingLimit: ngeoTilesPreloadingLimit; ngeoUsedKeyRegexp: ngeoUsedKeyRegexp; ngeoWfsPermalinkOptions: ngeoWfsPermalinkOptions; pytreeLidarprofileJsonUrl: pytreeLidarprofileJsonUrl }

The full configuration

Type declaration

ExternalOGCServer: { name: string; type: string; url: string }

The definition of an external OGC server

Type declaration

  • name: string
  • type: string
  • url: string
Fill: { color?: number[] | string }

Type declaration

  • Optional color?: number[] | string

    The color.

GridMergeTabs: {}

Configuration option for {@link import('gmf/query/gridComponent').GmfQueryGridComponent} to merge grid tabs.

E.g. 'two_wheels_park': ['velo_park', 'moto_park']} merges the sources with label velo_park and moto_park into a new source two_wheels_park.

Type declaration

  • [x: string]: string[]
LayerConfig: { args?: string[]; filter?: string; postfix?: string; separator?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional args?: string[]
  • Optional filter?: string
  • Optional postfix?: string
  • Optional separator?: string
LineConfiguration: { color?: string; zExtractor: ZExtractorFunction }

Configuration object for one profile's line.

Type declaration

  • Optional color?: string

    Color of the line (hex color string).

  • zExtractor: ZExtractorFunction

    Extract the elevation of a point (an item of the elevation data array).

MapConfig: { maxTilesLoading?: number; moveTolerance?: number; pixelRatio?: number }

The map definition.

Type declaration

  • Optional maxTilesLoading?: number

    Maximum number tiles to load simultaneously.

  • Optional moveTolerance?: number

    The minimum distance in pixels the cursor must move to be detected as a map move event instead of a click. Increasing this value can make it easier to click on the map.

  • Optional pixelRatio?: number

    The ratio between physical pixels and device-independent pixels (dips) on the device.

MeasureRasterLayer: { decimals?: number; name: string; unit?: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional decimals?: number
  • name: string
  • Optional unit?: string
MousePositionProjection: { code: string; filter: string; label: string }

Projection object for the MousePositionDirective. Define a label and a filter to use to display coordinates for a projection.

Type declaration

  • code: string

    The epsg name of a projection.

  • filter: string

    The filter function to use to format this projection. Arguments can be passed with colon as separator (example: MyFilter:args1:args2:...)

  • label: string

    The label to display with this projection.

OptionsLegendType: { label: {}; params: {}; showGroupsTitle?: boolean; useBbox?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • label: {}

    The key is the server type (mapserver, qgis, ...), if the value is false the name of the layer will be not displayed. This is used to avoid duplicated title, as text and in the legend image.

    • [x: string]: boolean
  • params: {}

    The key is the server type (mapserver, qgis, ...) or image for an URL from a metadata. The value is some additional parameters set in the query string.

    • [x: string]: {}
      • [x: string]: string
  • Optional showGroupsTitle?: boolean

    Display or not groups title in the legend. default is true. Switching to false is useful to obtains a "flat" legend.

  • Optional useBbox?: boolean

    Use or not the bbox. Default to true. For QGIS server only.

Projection: { definition: string[]; extent: number[] }

A projection definitions.

Type declaration

  • definition: string[]

    The definition.

  • extent: number[]

    The extent.

RegularShape: { angle?: number; displacement?: number[]; fill?: Fill; points: number; radius?: number; radius1?: number; radius2?: number; rotateWithView?: boolean; rotation?: number; stroke?: Stroke }

Specify radius for regular polygons, or radius1 and radius2 for stars. See also: https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/regularshape.html

Type declaration

  • Optional angle?: number

    Shape's angle in radians. A value of 0 will have one of the shape's point facing up.

  • Optional displacement?: number[]

    Displacement of the shape

  • Optional fill?: Fill

    Fill style.

  • points: number

    Number of points for stars and regular polygons. In case of a polygon, the number of points is the number of sides.

  • Optional radius?: number

    Radius of a regular polygon.

  • Optional radius1?: number

    Outer radius of a star.

  • Optional radius2?: number

    Inner radius of a star.

  • Optional rotateWithView?: boolean

    Whether to rotate the shape with the view.

  • Optional rotation?: number

    Rotation in radians (positive rotation clockwise).

  • Optional stroke?: Stroke

    Stroke style.

RoutingProfile: { label: string; profile: string }

Type declaration

  • label: string
  • profile: string
SearchAction: { action: string; title: string }

Type declaration

  • action: string

    The action

  • title: string

    The title

SearchComponentDatasource: { bloodhoundOptions?: Bloodhound.BloodhoundOptions<GeoJSON.FeatureCollection>; datasetTitle?: string; groupActions?: SearchAction[]; groupValues?: string[]; labelKey: string; projection?: string; typeaheadDatasetOptions?: Twitter.Typeahead.Dataset<OlFeature<OlGeomGeometry>>; url?: string }

Datasource configuration options for the search directive.

Type declaration

  • Optional bloodhoundOptions?: Bloodhound.BloodhoundOptions<GeoJSON.FeatureCollection>

    The optional Bloodhound configuration for this data set. See: https://github.com/twitter/typeahead.js/blob/master/doc/bloodhound.md

  • Optional datasetTitle?: string
  • Optional groupActions?: SearchAction[]

    List of allowed actions. The list may contain a combination of add_theme, add_group or add_layer

  • Optional groupValues?: string[]

    Possible values for the 'layer_name' key. Used to define groups of dataset.

  • labelKey: string

    The name of a corresponding GeoJSON property key in the current dataset. The bound value of this property key will be used as label.

  • Optional projection?: string

    The geometry's projection for this set of data.

  • Optional typeaheadDatasetOptions?: Twitter.Typeahead.Dataset<OlFeature<OlGeomGeometry>>

    The optional Twitter.Typeahead. configuration for this dataset. See: https://github.com/twitter/typeahead.js/blob/master/

  • Optional url?: string

    URL of the search service. Must contain a '%QUERY' term that will be replaced by the input string.

StringToHtmlReplacement: { compiled_expression?: RegExp; expression: string; flags?: string; template: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional compiled_expression?: RegExp

    Internal: the compiled regular expression.

  • expression: string

    The regexp expression that must match to do the replacement.

  • Optional flags?: string

    The regexp flags.

  • template: string

    The template to use to create a new value as replacement if the regex matches.

Stroke: { color?: number[] | string; lineCap?: CanvasLineCap; lineDash?: number[]; lineDashOffset?: number; lineJoin?: CanvasLineJoin; miterLimit?: number; width?: number }

Type declaration

  • Optional color?: number[] | string

    The color.

  • Optional lineCap?: CanvasLineCap

    Line cap style: butt, round, or square.

  • Optional lineDash?: number[]

    Line dash pattern. Default is null (no dash). Please note that Internet Explorer 10 and lower do not support the setLineDash method on the CanvasRenderingContext2D and therefore this option will have no visual effect in these browsers.

  • Optional lineDashOffset?: number

    Line dash offset.

  • Optional lineJoin?: CanvasLineJoin

    Line join style: bevel, round, or miter.

  • Optional miterLimit?: number

    Miter limit.

  • Optional width?: number


Style: { circle?: Circle; fill?: Fill; regularShape?: RegularShape; stroke?: Stroke; zIndex?: number }

The style description.

Type declaration

  • Optional circle?: Circle

    The circle config.

  • Optional fill?: Fill

    The fill color.

  • Optional regularShape?: RegularShape

    The regular shape config.

  • Optional stroke?: Stroke

    The stoke config.

  • Optional zIndex?: number

    The z index.

StyleLike: OlStyleStyleStyleLike | Style[] | Style
View: { center?: number[]; constrainOnlyCenter?: boolean; constrainResolution?: boolean; constrainRotation?: boolean | number; enableRotation?: boolean; extent?: number[]; maxResolution?: number; maxZoom?: number; minResolution?: number; minZoom?: number; multiWorld?: boolean; projection: string; resolution?: number; resolutions?: number[]; rotation?: number; showFullExtent?: boolean; smoothExtentConstraint?: boolean; smoothResolutionConstraint?: boolean; zoom?: number; zoomFactor?: number }

The view definition.

Type declaration

  • Optional center?: number[]

    The initial center for the view. If a user projection is not set, the coordinate system for the center is specified with the projection option. Layer sources will not be fetched if this is not set, but the center can be set later with {@link #setCenter}.

  • Optional constrainOnlyCenter?: boolean

    If true, the extent constraint will only apply to the view center and not the whole extent.

  • Optional constrainResolution?: boolean

    If true, the view will always animate to the closest zoom level after an interaction; false means intermediary zoom levels are allowed.

  • Optional constrainRotation?: boolean | number

    Rotation constraint. false means no constraint. true means no constraint, but snap to zero near zero. A number constrains the rotation to that number of values. For example, 4 will constrain the rotation to 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.

  • Optional enableRotation?: boolean

    Enable rotation. If false, a rotation constraint that always sets the rotation to zero is used. The constrainRotation option has no effect if enableRotation is false.

  • Optional extent?: number[]

    The extent that constrains the view, in other words, nothing outside of this extent can be visible on the map.

  • Optional maxResolution?: number

    The maximum resolution used to determine the resolution constraint. It is used together with minResolution (or maxZoom) and zoomFactor. If unspecified it is calculated in such a way that the projection's validity extent fits in a 256x256 px tile. If the projection is Spherical Mercator (the default) then maxResolution defaults to 40075016.68557849 / 256 = 156543.03392804097.

  • Optional maxZoom?: number

    The maximum zoom level used to determine the resolution constraint. It is used together with minZoom (or maxResolution) and zoomFactor. Note that if minResolution is also provided, it is given precedence over maxZoom.

  • Optional minResolution?: number

    The minimum resolution used to determine the resolution constraint. It is used together with maxResolution (or minZoom) and zoomFactor. If unspecified it is calculated assuming 29 zoom levels (with a factor of 2). If the projection is Spherical Mercator (the default) then minResolution defaults to 40075016.68557849 / 256 / Math.pow(2, 28) = 0.0005831682455839253.

  • Optional minZoom?: number

    The minimum zoom level used to determine the resolution constraint. It is used together with maxZoom (or minResolution) and zoomFactor. Note that if maxResolution is also provided, it is given precedence over minZoom.

  • Optional multiWorld?: boolean

    If false the view is constrained so only one world is visible, and you cannot pan off the edge. If true the map may show multiple worlds at low zoom levels. Only used if the projection is global. Note that if extent is also provided it is given precedence.

  • projection: string

    The main projection.

  • Optional resolution?: number

    The initial resolution for the view. The units are projection units per pixel (e.g. meters per pixel). An alternative to setting this is to set zoom. Layer sources will not be fetched if neither this nor zoom are defined, but they can be set later with {@link #setZoom} or {@link #setResolution}.

  • Optional resolutions?: number[]

    Resolutions to determine the resolution constraint. If set the maxResolution, minResolution, minZoom, maxZoom, and zoomFactor options are ignored.

  • Optional rotation?: number

    The initial rotation for the view in radians (positive rotation clockwise, 0 means North).

  • Optional showFullExtent?: boolean

    Allow the view to be zoomed out to show the full configured extent. By default, when a view is configured with an extent, users will not be able to zoom out so the viewport exceeds the extent in either dimension. This means the full extent may not be visible if the viewport is taller or wider than the aspect ratio of the configured extent. If showFullExtent is true, the user will be able to zoom out so that the viewport exceeds the height or width of the configured extent, but not both, allowing the full extent to be shown.

  • Optional smoothExtentConstraint?: boolean

    If true, the extent constraint will be applied smoothly, i.e. allow the view to go slightly outside of the given extent.

  • Optional smoothResolutionConstraint?: boolean

    If true, the resolution min/max values will be applied smoothly, i. e. allow the view to exceed slightly the given resolution or zoom bounds.

  • Optional zoom?: number

    Only used if resolution is not defined. Zoom level used to calculate the initial resolution for the view.

  • Optional zoomFactor?: number

    The zoom factor used to compute the corresponding resolution.

WfsType: { defaultFeatureNS?: string; defaultFeaturePrefix?: string; featureNS?: string; featurePrefix?: string; featureType: string; label?: string }

A WFS type. To be used with {@link WfsPermalinkOptions }.

Type declaration

  • Optional defaultFeatureNS?: string

    The default namespace URI used for features. This will be used if no custom namespace is given for a WFS type.

  • Optional defaultFeaturePrefix?: string

    The default prefix for the feature namespace. This will be used if no custom prefix is given for a WFS type.

  • Optional featureNS?: string

    The namespace URI used for features. If not given, the default namespace set in {@link WfsPermalinkOptions } will be used.

  • Optional featurePrefix?: string

    The prefix for the feature namespace. If not given, the default prefix set in {@link WfsPermalinkOptions } will be used.

  • featureType: string

    The feature type name. Required.

  • Optional label?: string

    The field of a feature used as label.

authenticationBaseUrl: string

URL to the authentication web service.

defaultLang: string

Default language

fulltextsearchUrl: string

URL to the full-text search web service.

gmfAuthenticationConfig: { allowPasswordChange: boolean; allowPasswordReset: boolean }

The Authentication configuration.

Type declaration

  • allowPasswordChange: boolean

    Whether to show the change password button. Default to true. You can also specify a PasswordValidator object to add constraint on user's new password.

  • allowPasswordReset: boolean

    Whether to show the password forgotten link. Default to true.

gmfAuthenticationNoReloadRole: string | null

Don't request a new user object from the back-end after logging out if the logged-in user's role has this role.

gmfBackgroundLayerSelectorOptions: { opacityLayer?: string }

The background layer selector options

Type declaration

  • Optional opacityLayer?: string

    The background layer with an opacity slider.

gmfContextualDataOptions: { projections: string[]; rasterParams: {} }

Type declaration

  • projections: string[]
  • rasterParams: {}

    The raster service parameters

    • [x: string]: string
gmfCsvFilename: string

The CSV file name.

gmfCustomCSS: { authentication: string; authenticationPanel: string; desktopCanvas: string; lidarFooter: string; lidarPanel: string }

Additional CSS for the different elements

Type declaration

  • authentication: string
  • authenticationPanel: string
  • desktopCanvas: string
  • lidarFooter: string
  • lidarPanel: string
gmfCustomJavascriptUrl: string | string[]

Use to inject custom javascript from an URL.

gmfCustomStylesheetUrl: string | string[]

Use to inject custom stylesheet from an URL.

gmfDatasourceOptions: { arcgisWMSInfoFormat: string; ogcServersSpecific: {} }

Type declaration

  • arcgisWMSInfoFormat: string

    The WMS info format to be used with Arcgis OGC server.

  • ogcServersSpecific: {}
gmfDisclaimerOptions: { external?: boolean; layerVisibility?: boolean; popup?: boolean }

The disclaimers options

Type declaration

  • Optional external?: boolean

    Whether to use disclaimer messages elsewhere or not. Default to false. If true, you should use the externalMessage and the externalVisibility too.

  • Optional layerVisibility?: boolean

    Only display the disclaimer if the layer is visible. Defaults to true.

  • Optional popup?: boolean

    Whether to show the disclaimer messages in popups or not. Defaults to false.

gmfDisplayQueryGridOptions: { featuresStyle: StyleLike; maxRecenterZoom?: number; mergeTabs?: GridMergeTabs; removeEmptyColumns?: boolean; selectedFeatureStyle: StyleLike }

The display query grid component options.

Type declaration

  • featuresStyle: StyleLike

    A style object for all features from the result of the query.

  • Optional maxRecenterZoom?: number

    Maximum zoom-level to use when zooming to selected features.

  • Optional mergeTabs?: GridMergeTabs

    Configuration to merge grids with the same attributes into a single grid.

  • Optional removeEmptyColumns?: boolean

    Should empty columns be hidden? Default: false.

  • selectedFeatureStyle: StyleLike

    A style object for the currently selected features.

gmfDisplayQueryWindowOptions: { collapsed?: boolean; displayNullAttributes?: boolean; featuresStyle: StyleLike; selectedFeatureStyle: StyleLike }

The display query window component options.

Type declaration

  • Optional collapsed?: boolean

    If the query result window is collapsed.

  • Optional displayNullAttributes?: boolean

    If the attributes with null values should be displayed.

  • featuresStyle: StyleLike

    A style object for all features from the result of the query.

  • selectedFeatureStyle: StyleLike

    A style object for the currently selected features.

gmfEditFeatureOptions: { closeAfterSave: boolean; highlightStyle: StyleLike; tolerance: number }

Type declaration

  • closeAfterSave: boolean

    If true, immediately return to the main edit panel after save. Default is false.

  • highlightStyle: StyleLike

    A style object for highlighting of feature.

  • tolerance: number

    The buffer in pixels to use when making queries to get the features.

gmfElevationOptions: { layers: string[]; layersConfig: {} }

The elevation (raster) options.

Type declaration

  • layers: string[]

    Elevation layers to use.

  • layersConfig: {}

    Elevation layers configurations.

gmfExternalOGCServers: ExternalOGCServer[]
gmfFloors: {}[]

Floor dimension values and labels.

gmfLayerTreeOptions: { isExpanded: boolean; openlinksinnewwindow: boolean }

Type declaration

  • isExpanded: boolean

    [Experimental] Whether all the layer group is expanded by default.

  • openlinksinnewwindow: boolean

    if true, open metadataURLs in a new window. Otherwise open them in a popup.

gmfLayersUrl: string

URL to the layers web service.

gmfMobileMeasureAreaOptions: { precision?: number; sketchStyle: StyleLike }

Type declaration

  • Optional precision?: number

    The number of significant digits to display.

  • sketchStyle: StyleLike

    A style for the measure area.

gmfMobileMeasureLengthOptions: { precision?: number; sketchStyle: StyleLike }

Type declaration

  • Optional precision?: number

    The number of significant digits to display.

  • sketchStyle: StyleLike

    A style for the measure length.

gmfMobileMeasurePointOptions: { decimals: number; format: string; rasterLayers: MeasureRasterLayer[]; sketchStyle: StyleLike }

Type declaration

  • decimals: number

    The number of significant digits to display.

  • format: string

    The used formatter

  • rasterLayers: MeasureRasterLayer[]

    Raster elevation layers to get information under the point and its configuration.

  • sketchStyle: StyleLike

    A style for the measure point.

gmfMousePositionOptions: { projections: MousePositionProjection[] }

Type declaration

gmfObjectEditingToolsOptions: { regularPolygonRadius?: number }

Additional configuration options for the object editing tools directive.

Type declaration

  • Optional regularPolygonRadius?: number

    The radius of the shapes created by the regular polygon radius creation tool. The value is in map units.

gmfOptions: { controlZoom: OlControlZoomOptions; cssVars: {}; geolocalisation?: boolean; interationDefaults?: OlInteractionDefaultsOptions; map: MapConfig; mapControls?: OlControlControl[]; mapInteractions?: OlInteractionInteraction[]; showInfobar?: boolean; view: View; zoom: number }

The application wide options.

Type declaration

  • controlZoom: OlControlZoomOptions

    The zoom control options

  • cssVars: {}

    The css variables, in particular brand-primary and brand-secondary that will set all the branding.

    • [x: string]: string
  • Optional geolocalisation?: boolean

    Show the geolocalisation button.

  • Optional interationDefaults?: OlInteractionDefaultsOptions

    The map interactions.

  • map: MapConfig

    The map definition.

  • Optional mapControls?: OlControlControl[]

    The map control.

  • Optional mapInteractions?: OlInteractionInteraction[]

    The map interactions.

  • Optional showInfobar?: boolean

    Show the information bar.

  • view: View

    The view definition.

  • zoom: number

    The default zoom.

gmfPermalinkOptions: { crosshairEnabledByDefault?: boolean; crosshairStyle?: StyleLike; pointRecenterZoom?: number; projectionCodes?: string[]; useLocalStorage?: boolean }

Configuration options for the permalink service.

Type declaration

  • Optional crosshairEnabledByDefault?: boolean

    Display the crosshair, gets overridden by the map_crosshair parameter. Default is false.

  • Optional crosshairStyle?: StyleLike

    An alternate style for the crosshair feature added by the permalink service.

  • Optional pointRecenterZoom?: number

    Zoom level to use when result is a single point feature. If not set the map is not zoomed to a specific zoom level.

  • Optional projectionCodes?: string[]

    EPSG codes (e.g. 'EPSG:3857' or '3857'). The permalink service will accept coordinates in these projections and try to detect which projection the given coordinates are in.

  • Optional useLocalStorage?: boolean

    Store the values in the local storage. Default is false.

gmfPrintOptions: { defaultLayout?: string; fieldValues?: {}; goodnessOfFit?: number; hiddenAttributes?: string[]; legend?: OptionsLegendType; rotateMask?: boolean; scaleInput?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • Optional defaultLayout?: string
  • Optional fieldValues?: {}

    optional. Key, value object to define default value in each of your print panel field. The key refers to the property's name of the field. Example: {'comments': 'demo', 'legend': false}. Doesn't work for the DPI and the scale. Server's values are used in priority.

    • [x: string]: string | number | boolean
  • Optional goodnessOfFit?: number
  • Optional hiddenAttributes?: string[]

    The list of attributes that should be hidden.

  • Optional legend?: OptionsLegendType

    Options used to build the legend.

  • Optional rotateMask?: boolean

    True to apply rotation on the mask instead of the map. By default, the map rotates.

  • Optional scaleInput?: boolean
gmfPrintUrl: string

URL to MapFishPrint.

gmfProfileJsonUrl: string

URL to the profile web service.

gmfProfileOptions: { hoverPointStyle: StyleLike; numberOfPoints?: number }

The elevation (raster) options.

Type declaration

  • hoverPointStyle: StyleLike

    The hover point style.

  • Optional numberOfPoints?: number

    Maximum limit of points to request.

gmfProjectionsOptions: {}

The available projections definitions.

Type declaration

gmfQueryGrid: boolean

Use the query grid instead the query window to display the query result.

gmfRasterUrl: string

URL to the raster web service.

gmfSearchGroups: string[]
gmfSearchOptions: { clearButton?: boolean; colorChooser?: boolean; coordinatesProjections: string[]; datasources: SearchComponentDatasource[]; delay?: number; maxZoom?: number; placeholder?: string; styles: {} }

Type declaration

  • Optional clearButton?: boolean

    Clear button in the input search.

  • Optional colorChooser?: boolean

    Whether to let the user change the style of the feature on the map.

  • coordinatesProjections: string[]

    codes of supported projections for coordinates search (projections must be defined in ol3). If not provided, only the map's view projection format will be supported.

  • datasources: SearchComponentDatasource[]

    The used datasources.

  • Optional delay?: number

    bloodhound request delay in ms.

  • Optional maxZoom?: number

    maximum zoom we will zoom on result.

  • Optional placeholder?: string

    The placeholder.

  • styles: {}

    A map of styles to apply on searched features. Keys must be the 'layer_name' property of features except for coordinates where the key ifor its style is the value of the constant 'gmf.COORDINATES_LAYER_NAME'. The 'default' key is used to apply the default style.

gmfShareOptions: { enableEmail?: boolean }

Type declaration

  • Optional enableEmail?: boolean

    Enhable email.

gmfShortenerCreateUrl: string

URL to the shortener web service.

gmfSnappingOptions: { maxFeatures: number }

The snapping options

Type declaration

  • maxFeatures: number

    The max number of features in the extent to allows snapping

gmfThemesOptions: { addBlankBackgroundLayer?: boolean }

Configuration options for the themes service.

Type declaration

  • Optional addBlankBackgroundLayer?: boolean

    Whether to add a blank background layer to the list of available backgrounds.

gmfTreeManagerModeFlush: boolean

Flush mode active?

gmfTreeUrl: string

URL to the theme web service.

gmfTwoFactorAuth: boolean

Does the application use tow factor authentication

langUrls: {}

Languages URL

Type declaration

  • [x: string]: string
ngeoCsvEncoding: string

File encoding of the CSV file.

ngeoCsvExtension: string

File extension of the CSV file.

ngeoCsvIncludeHeader: boolean

Whether to include the header in the exported file or not.

ngeoCsvQuote: string

Quote character.

ngeoCsvSeparator: string

Separator character.

ngeoGeolocationOptions: { accuracyFeatureStyle?: StyleLike; atLoadingTime?: boolean; autoRotate?: boolean; positionFeatureStyle?: StyleLike; zoom?: number }

Options for the geolocation directive.

Type declaration

  • Optional accuracyFeatureStyle?: StyleLike

    The style to use to sketch the accuracy feature, which is a regular polygon.

  • Optional atLoadingTime?: boolean

    Toggle geolocating at loading time if true.

  • Optional autoRotate?: boolean


  • Optional positionFeatureStyle?: StyleLike

    The style to use to sketch the position feature, which is a point.

  • Optional zoom?: number

    If set, in addition to recentering the map view at the location, determines the zoom level to set when obtaining a new position

ngeoMeasureDecimals: number
ngeoMeasurePrecision: number
ngeoMeasureSpherical: boolean
ngeoNominatimSearchDefaultParams: {}

Type declaration

  • [x: string]: string
ngeoOfflineTestUrl: string

URL of the test page to detect online/offline.

ngeoPermalinkOgcserverUrl: string

URL to the WFS server.

ngeoPointfilter: string
ngeoProfileOptions: { light?: boolean; lightXAxis?: boolean; linesConfiguration: {}; poiLabelAngle?: number; styleDefs?: string }

Options for the profile.

Type declaration

  • Optional light?: boolean

    Show a simplified profile when true.

  • Optional lightXAxis?: boolean

    Show a simplified x axis with only both end ticks.

  • linesConfiguration: {}

    Configuration object for the profile's

  • Optional poiLabelAngle?: number

    Inline CSS style definition to inject in the SVG. lines. The key string of each object is used as class for its respective svg line.

  • Optional styleDefs?: string

    Inline CSS style definition to inject in the SVG.

ngeoQueryOptions: { bboxAsGETParam?: boolean; cursorHover?: boolean; featureNS?: string; featurePrefix?: string; geometryName?: string; limit?: number; queryCountFirst?: boolean; sourceIdsProperty?: string; tolerance?: number; toleranceTouch?: number }

The options for the query service.

Type declaration

  • Optional bboxAsGETParam?: boolean

    Pass the queried bbox as a parameter of the GET query on WFS requests.

  • Optional cursorHover?: boolean
  • Optional featureNS?: string

    The feature namespace for WFS GetFeature requests.

  • Optional featurePrefix?: string

    The feature prefix for WFS GetFeature requests.

  • Optional geometryName?: string

    The name of the geometry property for WFS GetFeature requests.

  • Optional limit?: number

    The maximum number of records per request the query service should ask. Note that sources sharing the same URL are combined together in a single request. This limit will still apply to those.

  • Optional queryCountFirst?: boolean

    For WFS sources, should the number of features first be requested with resultType=hits before requesting the actual features in an seconds request? Should be used on window result but not on grid result.

  • Optional sourceIdsProperty?: string

    Defines the name of the layer property that holds the ids of the sources. Use this if you have more than one source bound to a layer.

  • Optional tolerance?: number

    When issuing an identify feature request at a click position, either a WMS GetFeatureInfo or a WFS GetFeature request will be used. For GetFeature requests a bbox is built around the position. This tolerance in pixel determines the minimal size of the bbox.

  • Optional toleranceTouch?: number

    Same as tolerance but for touch devices.

ngeoRoutingOptions: { backendUrl?: string; profiles?: RoutingProfile[] }

Type declaration

ngeoScaleSelectorOptions: { dropup?: boolean; values: number[] }

The scale selector options

Type declaration

  • Optional dropup?: boolean

    True to get a drop menu that opens imself to the top, instead of the bottom.

  • values: number[]

    The available scales

ngeoSnappingTolerance: number
ngeoStreetviewOptions: { bufferSize?: number; key: string; viewer: string }

Configuration object for streetview.

Type declaration

  • Optional bufferSize?: number

    Buffer size for Mapillary bbox

  • key: string

    ClientId for Mapillary

  • viewer: string

    The viewer to use (google or mapillary)

ngeoStringToHtmlReplacements: StringToHtmlReplacement[]

List of replacements for string to html.

ngeoTilesPreloadingLimit: number

Load tiles up to preload levels. By default preload is Infinity, which means load all tiles on the top of the visible level. See also preload value in documentation for ol.Layer.Tile.

ngeoUsedKeyRegexp: string[]

Regexp used to identify the used keys.

ngeoWfsPermalinkOptions: { defaultFeatureNS: string; defaultFeaturePrefix: string; maxFeatures?: number; pointRecenterZoom?: number; wfsTypes: WfsType[] }

The options for the WFS query service (permalink).

Type declaration

  • defaultFeatureNS: string
  • defaultFeaturePrefix: string
  • Optional maxFeatures?: number

    The maximum number of records per request the query service should ask.

  • Optional pointRecenterZoom?: number

    Zoom level to use when result is a single point feature. If not set the map is not zoomed to a specific zoom level.

  • wfsTypes: WfsType[]

    The queryable WFS types.

ogcServerDatasourceOptions: { arcgisWMSInfoFormat: string }

Type declaration

  • arcgisWMSInfoFormat: string

    The WMS info format to be used with Arcgis OGC server.

pytreeLidarprofileJsonUrl: string

URL to LIDAR profile pytree service.


default: ConfigModel = ...


  • buildStyle(styleDescriptor: StyleLike): OlStyleStyleStyleLike

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