A function to format numbers into a DMS coordinates string.
A filter used to format a time duration in seconds into a more readable form. Only the two largest units will be shown.
Examples: {{42 | ngeoDuration}} => 42 seconds {{132 | ngeoDuration}} => 2 minutes 12 seconds {{3910 | ngeoDuration}} => 1 hour 5 minutes -> Note: the remaining 10 seconds will be dropped
Gettext catalog.
Function used to format a time duration in seconds into a string.
Format a couple of numbers as number coordinates.
Example without parameters:
<p>{{[7.1234, 46.9876] | ngeoNumberCoordinates}}</p>
<!-- will Become 7 47 -->
Example with defined fractionDigits and template (en-US localization):
<!-- With en-US localization -->
<p>{{[7.1234, 46.9876] | ngeoNumberCoordinates:2:'co {x} E; {y} N'}}</p>
<!-- will Become co 7.12 E; 46.99 N -->
<!-- With en-US localization -->
<p>{{[2600000, 1600000] | ngeoNumberCoordinates:0:'{x}, {y}'}}</p>
<!-- will Become 2,600,000, 1,600,000 -->
<!-- With fr-CH localization -->
<p>{{[2600000, 1600000] | ngeoNumberCoordinates:0:'{x}, {y}'}}</p>
<!-- will Become 2'600'000, 1'600'000 -->
Angular filter
A function to format numbers into coordinates string.
A filter used to format a number with a precision, using the locale.
{{0.1234 | ngeoNumber}} => 0.123
{{1.234 | ngeoNumber}} => 1.23
{{12.34 | ngeoNumber}} => 12.3
{{123.4 | ngeoNumber}} => 123
{{1234 | ngeoNumber}} => 1230
Angular locale
Function used to format number into a string.
Format a number as a localized scale. For instance:
<p>{{25000 | ngeoScalify}}</p>
Angular filter
A function to format number into a 'scale' string.
A filter used to format a number with the prefix and unit
{{25000 | ngeoUnitPrefix}} => 25 k
{{25000 | ngeoUnitPrefix:'m'}} => 25 km
{{25000000 | ngeoUnitPrefix:'m²':'square'}} => 25 km²
{{2048 | ngeoUnitPrefix:'o':'binary'}} => 2 Kio
Angular filter
Function used to format number into a string.
A filter to mark a value as trusted HTML, with the addition of automatically converting any string that matches the StringToHtmlReplacements list to HTML.
If you use it, you don't require the "ngSanitize".
Angular sce service.
List of replacements for string to html.
The filter function.
A filter to mark a value as trusted HTML.
If you use it, you don't require the "ngSanitize".
Angular sce service.
The filter function.
Generated using TypeDoc
Format coordinates as DMS coordinates.
Example without parameters:
Example with defined fractionDigits and a template.