  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Type Parameters

  • T


  • ProfileOptions



distanceExtractor: ((arg0: T) => number)

Type declaration

    • (arg0: T): number
    • Extract the distance from origin of a point (an item of the elevation data array).


      • arg0: T

      Returns number

formatter: ProfileFormatter

Formatter giving full control on how numbers are formatted.

hoverCallback: ((arg0: Object, arg1: number, arg2: string, arg3: Object, arg4: string) => void)

Type declaration

    • (arg0: Object, arg1: number, arg2: string, arg3: Object, arg4: string): void
    • A callback called from the profile when the mouse moves over a point. The point, an item of the elevation data array, is passed as the first argument of the function.


      • arg0: Object
      • arg1: number
      • arg2: string
      • arg3: Object
      • arg4: string

      Returns void

i18n: I18n
outCallback: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • A callback called from the profile when the mouse leaves the profile.

      Returns void

poiExtractor: PoiExtractor

Extractor for parsing POI data.

scaleModifier: ((arg0: Function, arg1: Function, arg2: number, arg3: number) => void)

Type declaration

    • (arg0: Function, arg1: Function, arg2: number, arg3: number): void
    • Allows to modify the raw x and y scales. Notably, it is possible to modify the y domain according to XY ratio rules, add padding or enforce y lower bound.


      • arg0: Function
      • arg1: Function
      • arg2: number
      • arg3: number

      Returns void

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