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Interface IssueGetFeaturesOptions<>

Type Parameters


    • IssueGetFeaturesOptions



    action: string

    The action the MapQuerent should take regarding the queried features. Possible values are:

    • replace: newly queried features are used as result
    • add: newly queried features are added to the existing ones
    • remove: newly queried features are removed from the existing ones
    bboxAsGETParam: boolean

    Pass the queried bbox as a parameter of the GET query on WFS requests.

    coordinate: Coordinate

    The coordinate to issue the requests with, which can end up with either WMS or WFS requests.

    dataSources: DataSource[]

    list of data sources to query. Only those that meet the requirements will actually be queried. The querent service requires either the dataSources or queryableDataSources property to be set.

    extent: Extent

    The extent to issue the requests with, which can end up with WFS requests only.

    filter: Filter

    A filter to additionally use with the query. Only used by WFS requests. If a filter is defined, then it is used instead of the data source's filter rules.

    geometry: Geometry

    The geometry to use as filter for the requests, which can end up with WFS requests only.

    limit: number

    The maximum number of features to get per request.

    map: Map

    The ol3 map object. Used to fill some parameters of the queries, such as 'srs' and filter the queryable layers within the data sources.

    queryCountFirst: boolean

    Do a requested with resultType=hits before.

    queryableDataSources: QueryableDataSources

    A hash of queryable data sources, which must meet all requirements. The querent service requires either the dataSources or queryableDataSources property to be set.

    tolerance: number

    A minimal buffer value in pixels to ensure a minimal bbox around a coordinate to issue WFS requests.

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