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Interface ngeoQueryOptions<>

Type Parameters


    • ngeoQueryOptions



    bboxAsGETParam: boolean

    Pass the queried bbox as a parameter of the GET query on WFS requests.

    cursorHover: boolean
    featureNS: string

    The feature namespace for WFS GetFeature requests.

    featurePrefix: string

    The feature prefix for WFS GetFeature requests.

    geometryName: string

    The name of the geometry property for WFS GetFeature requests.

    limit: number

    The maximum number of records per request the query service should ask. Note that sources sharing the same URL are combined together in a single request. This limit will still apply to those.

    queryCountFirst: boolean

    For WFS sources, should the number of features first be requested with resultType=hits before requesting the actual features in an seconds request?

    sourceIdsProperty: string

    Defines the name of the layer property that holds the ids of the sources. Use this if you have more than one source bound to a layer.

    tolerance: number

    When issuing an identify feature request at a click position, either a WMS GetFeatureInfo or a WFS GetFeature request will be used. For GetFeature requests a bbox is built around the position. This tolerance in pixel determines the minimal size of the bbox.

    toleranceTouch: number

    Same as tolerance but for touch devices.

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