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Interface OGCOptions<>

Type Parameters


    • OGCOptions



    activeDimensions: Object

    The dimensions that are currently active on the data source.

    attributes: Attribute[]


    copyable: boolean

    Whether the geometry from this data source can be copied to other data sources or not. Defaults to false.

    dimensions: Object

    A reference to the dimensions.

    dimensionsConfig: Object

    The dimensions configuration, which determines those supported by this data source and whether they should use a static value or the one defined in the dimensions.

    dimensionsFiltersConfig: Object


    filterCondition: string

    The filter condition to apply to the filter rules (if any). Defaults to ngeo.filter.Condition.AND.

    filterRules: default[]

    A list of filter rules to apply to this data source using the filter condition.

    filtrable: boolean

    Whether the data source is filtrable or not.

    id: number


    identifierAttribute: string


    inRange: boolean


    maxResolution: number


    minResolution: number


    name: string


    ogcAttributes: Object

    The attributes of the OGC server.

    ogcImageType: string

    The type of images to fetch by queries by the (WMS) or (WMTS).

    ogcServerType: string

    The type of OGC server.

    ogcType: string

    The type data source. Can be: 'WMS' or 'WMTS'.

    queryIconPosition: number[]

    values to define the shape (bbox) to use to query the layer. The values are used like a padding in css with 1, 2, 3 or 4 comma separated values: all / top-bottom, left-right / top, right-left, bottom / top, right, bottom, left.

    snappable: boolean

    Whether the geometry from this data source can be used to snap the geometry of features from other data sources that are being edited. Defaults to false.

    snappingToEdges: boolean

    Determines whether external features can be snapped to the edges of features from this data source or not. Defaults to true. Requires snappable to be set.

    snappingToVertice: boolean

    Determines whether external features can be snapped to the vertice of features from this data source or not. Defaults to true. Requires snappable to be set.

    snappingTolerance: number

    The tolerance in pixels the snapping should occur.

    timeAttributeName: string

    The name of the time attribute.

    timeLowerValue: number

    The time lower value, which can be combined with the time upper value to determine a range.

    timeProperty: TimeProperty

    The time property for the data source. Used to apply time filters.

    timeUpperValue: number

    The time upper value, which can be combined with the time lower value to determine a range.

    visible: boolean


    wfsFeatureNS: string

    The feature namespace to use with WFS requests.

    wfsFeaturePrefix: string

    The feature prefix to use with WFS requests.

    wfsLayers: WFSLayer[]

    A list of layer definitions that are used by WFS queries. These are not used by the (WMTS) queries (the wmtsLayers is used by WMTS queries).

    wfsOutputFormat: string

    The OutputFormat to use with WFS requests.

    wfsUrl: string

    The URL to use for (WFS) requests.

    wmsInfoFormat: string

    The InfoFormat to use with WMS requests.

    wmsIsSingleTile: boolean

    Whether the (WMS) images returned by this data source should be single tiles or not. Defaults to false

    wmsLayers: WMSLayer[]

    A list of layer definitions that are used by WMS queries. These are not used by the (WMTS) queries (the wmtsLayers is used by WMTS queries).

    wmsUrl: string

    The URL to use for (WMS) requests.

    wmtsLayer: string

    The layer name to use for the (WMTS) requests.

    wmtsUrl: string

    The URL to use for (WMTS) requests.

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