  • Public
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  • StatemanagerLocation



domain_: string
fragment_: Object
history_: History
path_: string
port_: number
queryData_: Object
schema_: string


  • deleteFragmentParam(key: string): void
  • deleteParam(key: string): void
  • getFragmentParam(key: string): string
  • getFragmentParamAsInt(key: string): number
  • Get a param from the fragment of the location's URI as integer. If the entry does not exist, or if the value can not be parsed as integer, undefined is returned.


    • key: string

      Param key.

    Returns number

    Param value.

  • getFragmentParamKeys(): string[]
  • getFragmentParamKeysWithPrefix(prefix: string): string[]
  • Get an array with all existing param's keys from the fragment of the location's URI that start with the given prefix.


    • prefix: string

      Key prefix.

    Returns string[]

    Param keys.

  • getParam(key: string): string
  • getParamAsFloat(key: string): number
  • Get a param in the location's URI as a floating point number. If the entry does not exist, or if the value can not be parsed, undefined is returned.


    • key: string

      Param key.

    Returns number

    Param value.

  • getParamAsInt(key: string): number
  • Get a param in the location's URI as integer. If the entry does not exist, or if the value can not be parsed as integer, undefined is returned.


    • key: string

      Param key.

    Returns number

    Param value.

  • getParamKeys(): string[]
  • getParamKeysWithPrefix(prefix: string): string[]
  • Get an array with all existing param's keys in the location's URI that start with the given prefix.


    • prefix: string

      Key prefix.

    Returns string[]

    Param keys.

  • getPath(): string
  • getUriString(): string
  • hasFragmentParam(key: string): boolean
  • Check if a param exists in the fragment of the location's URI.


    • key: string

      Param key.

    Returns boolean

    True if the param exists.

  • hasParam(key: string): boolean
  • Check if a param exists in the location's URI.


    • key: string

      Param key.

    Returns boolean

    True if the param exists.

  • refresh(): void
  • setPath(path: string): void
  • updateFragmentParams(params: Object): void
  • updateParams(params: Object): void

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