Initialise the controller.
Special function that's used to set the "animation" value after to set the "isNext" value. The aim is to wait on Angular to add a class (corresponding to "isNext") on the DOM before to set the "animation" value and do the animation.
used to indicate if the user wants to see the next or the previous result.
Remove the current selected feature and source and remove all features from the map.
Remove the current selected feature and source and remove all features from the map.
Collect all features in the queryResult object.
Download a CSV with features of the given source.
The source to export as csv.
The source to export as csv.
where keys with at least one defined value will be used as csv column header.
columns definitions for the CSV.
Delete the unwanted ol3 properties from the current feature then return the properties.
Filtered properties of the current feature or null.
Get the total count of features in the result of the query. If a source has been select, only the number of features of that source are returned.
Total number of features.
Highlight the current displayed feature.
If the first result is active.
If the last result is active.
Select the logical next source and feature then highlight this feature on the map.
Select the logical previous source and feature then highlight this feature on the map.
Select a source and a feature depending of the given position.
The index of the feature. If the position is bigger than the length of the first source, get it in the next source. Etc.
True to set the highlight automatically.
True if result has changed. False else.
The source to select.
Remove current displayed results then get new results from the ngeoQueryResult service. Display all results on the map and display, highlight the first feature.
Remove features without properties from the query result.
ngeo query result.
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Is the window currently collapsed? When used for Desktop, it is shown non-collapsed.