  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • QueryWindowController



animate: number
collapsed: boolean

Is the window currently collapsed? When used for Desktop, it is shown non-collapsed.

currentResult: number
desktop: boolean
draggableContainment: string | Element
element_: JQuery<HTMLElement>


feature: Feature<Geometry>
features_: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
filename_: any


highlightFeatures_: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
isLoading: boolean
isNext: boolean
ngeoCsvDownload_: DownloadCsvService
ngeoMapQuerent_: MapQuerent
ngeoQueryResult: QueryResult
open: boolean
options: any
selectedSource: QueryResultSource


  • $onInit(): void
  • animate_(isNext: boolean): void
  • Special function that's used to set the "animation" value after to set the "isNext" value. The aim is to wait on Angular to add a class (corresponding to "isNext") on the DOM before to set the "animation" value and do the animation.


    • isNext: boolean

      used to indicate if the user wants to see the next or the previous result.

    Returns void

  • clear(): void
  • close(): void
  • collectFeatures_(): void
  • getCSVHeaderDefinition_(data: Object[]): any[]
  • Parameters

    • data: Object[]

      where keys with at least one defined value will be used as csv column header.

    Returns any[]

    columns definitions for the CSV.

  • getFeatureValues(): Object
  • Delete the unwanted ol3 properties from the current feature then return the properties.

    Returns Object

    Filtered properties of the current feature or null.

  • getResultLength(): number
  • Get the total count of features in the result of the query. If a source has been select, only the number of features of that source are returned.

    Returns number

    Total number of features.

  • highlightCurrentFeature_(opt_lastFeature: Feature<Geometry>): void
  • isFirst(): boolean
  • isLast(): boolean
  • next(): void
  • previous(): void
  • setCurrentResult_(position: number, setHighlight: boolean): boolean
  • Select a source and a feature depending of the given position.


    • position: number

      The index of the feature. If the position is bigger than the length of the first source, get it in the next source. Etc.

    • setHighlight: boolean

      True to set the highlight automatically.

    Returns boolean

    True if result has changed. False else.

  • show(): void
  • Remove current displayed results then get new results from the ngeoQueryResult service. Display all results on the map and display, highlight the first feature.

    Returns void

  • updateFeatures_(): void

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