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  • QueryGridController



$element_: JQuery<HTMLElement>
$scope_: IScope
$timeout_: ITimeoutService
active: boolean
featuresForSources_: Object

A mapping between row uid and the corresponding feature for each source.

features_: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
filename_: any


getMapFn: (() => Map)

Type declaration

    • (): Map
    • Returns Map

gridSources: Object
highlightFeatures_: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
loadedGridSources: string[]

IDs of the grid sources in the order they were loaded.

map_: Map
maxResults: number
ngeoCsvDownload_: DownloadCsvService
ngeoMapQuerent_: MapQuerent
ngeoQueryResult: QueryResult
options: any
pending: boolean
selectedTab: string | number

The id of the currently shown query source.

sumOfAvailableResults: number

Sum over all tabs of the available results

sumOfFeatures: number

Sum over all tabs of the obtained results

tooManyResults: boolean
unregisterSelectWatcher_: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • An unregister function returned from $scope.$watchCollection for "on-select" changes (when rows are selected/unselected).

      Returns void


  • $onInit(): void
  • cleanProperties_(allProperties: Object[], featureGeometriesNames: string[]): void
  • Remove all unwanted columns.


    • allProperties: Object[]

      A row.

    • featureGeometriesNames: string[]

      Geometry names.

    Returns void

  • clear(): void
  • downloadCsv(): void
  • escapeValue(value: string | number): string | number
  • Returns the value with all symbols and spaces replaced by an underscore.


    • value: string | number

      A value to escape.

    Returns string | number

    value An escaped value.

  • getGridConfiguration_(data: Object[]): GridConfig
  • Check if the given source should be merged. If so, an artificial source that will contain the features of all mergeable sources is returned. If not, null is returned.


    Returns QueryResultSource

    A merged source of null if the source should not be merged.

  • getSelectedRowCount(): number
  • Returns the number of selected rows of the currently active grid.

    Returns number

    The number of selected rows.

  • hasOneWithTooManyResults_(): boolean
  • invertSelection(): void
  • isOneSelected(): boolean
  • onSelectionChanged_(): void
  • reflowGrid_(): void
  • removeEmptyColumnsFn_(allProperties: Object[]): void
  • Remove columns that will be completely empty between each properties.


    • allProperties: Object[]

      A row.

    Returns void

  • selectAll(): void
  • unselectAll(): void
  • updateData_(): void
  • zoomToSelection(): void

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