Center of the map to print.
The coordinates of the bottom left corner.
Get the coordinates of the bottom right corner of the printed map.
Center of the map to print.รง
The coordinates of the bottom right corner.
Get the optimal map resolution for a print scale and a map size.
Size of the map on the screen (px).
Size of the map on the paper (dots).
Map scale on the paper.
The optimal map resolution.
Get the optimal print scale for a map, the map being defined by its size (in pixels) and resolution (in map units per pixel).
Size of the map on the screen (px).
Resolution of the map on the screen.
Size of the map on the paper (dots).
Supported map scales on the paper.
The scales are provided as scale denominators, sorted in ascending order.
E.g. [500, 1000, 2000, 4000]
The best scale. -1
is returned if there is no optimal
scale, that is the optimal scale is lower than or equal to the first value
in printMapScales
Get the coordinates of the up left corner of the printed map.
Center of the map to print.
The coordinates of the up left corner.
Get the coordinates of the up right corner of the printed map.
Center of the map to print.
The coordinates of the up right corner.
Generated using TypeDoc
Get the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the printed map.