  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • Controller



active: boolean
copyFromActive: boolean
deleteFromActive: boolean
drawActive: boolean
drawTriangleActive: boolean
eraseActive: boolean
feature: Feature<Geometry>
geomType: string
geomTypePolygon: string
map: Map
ngeoToolActivateMgr_: ToolActivateMgr
process: string
requiresLayer: boolean
scope_: IScope
sketchFeatures: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
toolActiveNames_: string[]
triangleAngle: number
triangleRadius: number


  • $onInit(): void
  • handleDestroy_(): void
  • handleToolActiveChange_(process: string, requiresLayer: boolean, newVal: boolean): void
  • Called when any of the tool 'active' property changes.


    • process: string

      The behavior the tool should use when active.

    • requiresLayer: boolean

      Whether the tool requires the queryable layer or not.

    • newVal: boolean

      New value.

    Returns void

  • registerTool_(toolActiveName: string, process: string, opt_requiresLayer: boolean): void
  • Register a tool using its active property name and what behavior it should have when it is active and a sketch feature is added

    This method:

    • registers a watcher on the tool active property to manage this directive main active property, i.e the directive is considered active when one of the tools is active, otherwise it's not active.

    • creates a ngeo.misc.ToolActivate object and registers it in a group so that only one tool can be active at a time


    • toolActiveName: string

      The name of the active property for the tool.

    • process: string

      The behavior the tool should use when active and when sketch features are added.

    • opt_requiresLayer: boolean

    Returns void

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