  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


  • Controller



active: boolean
copyFromActive: boolean
defaultStylesWoVertice_: Object
defaultStyles_: Object
deleteFromActive: boolean
dirty: boolean
dirtyStylesWoVertice_: Object
dirtyStyles_: Object
editableWMSLayer_: TileLayer<TileSource> | ImageLayer<ImageSource>
feature: Feature<Geometry>
featureHasGeom: boolean
features_: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
geomType: string
geometryChanges_: Geometry[]
gettextCatalog_: gettextCatalog
gmfEditFeature_: any
gmfObjectEditingQuery_: any
gmfTreeManager_: any
interactions_: Collection<Modify>
jstsOL3Parser_: OL3Parser
layerNodeId: number
listenerKeys_: EventsKey[]
map: Map
modifyToolActivate_: default
modify_: Modify
ngeoFeatureHelper_: FeatureHelper
ngeoLayerHelper_: LayerHelper
ngeoToolActivateMgr_: ToolActivateMgr
pending: boolean

Flag that is toggled while a request is pending.

process: string
queryableLayerListShown: boolean

Whether to show or hide the queryable list of layers. It is shown only when a tool requires it, which is managed in the gmf-objecteditingtools component.

queryableLayersInfo: any[]
scope_: IScope
selectedQueryableLayerInfo: any
sketchFeatures: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
skipGeometryChange_: boolean
state_: string

The state of the feature determines whether the next 'save' request should be an 'insert' or 'update' one.

timeout_: ITimeoutService
toolsActive: boolean
toolsToolActivate_: default


  • $onInit(): void
  • delete(): void
  • handleDeleteFeature_(resp: IHttpResponse<string | Object | Node | Document | ArrayBuffer>): void
  • Called after a delete request.


    • resp: IHttpResponse<string | Object | Node | Document | ArrayBuffer>

      Ajax response.

    Returns void

  • handleDestroy_(): void
  • handleEditFeature_(resp: IHttpResponse<string | Object | Node | Document | ArrayBuffer>): void
  • Called after an 'insert' or 'update' request.


    • resp: IHttpResponse<string | Object | Node | Document | ArrayBuffer>

      Ajax response.

    Returns void

  • handleFeatureGeometryChange_(): void
  • Called when the geometry property of the feature changes, i.e. not when the geometry itself changes but when a new geometry is set to the feature.

    This happens either when resetting the geometry to null, in which case there's nothing to do here. Otherwise, it happens after the combinaison of a sketch geometry with the existing feature geometry. This new geom is pushed in the geometryChanges_ array.

    Returns void

  • handleGetQueryableLayersInfo_(layersInfo: any[]): void
  • handleModifyInteractionModifyEnd_(evt: BaseEvent | Event): void
  • Called after the modification interaction has completed modifying the existing geometry. The new geometry is pushed in the changes array. If the geometry type is MultiPolygon, we check if any of the inner geometries intersects with one an other first. Those that does are merged before being pushed to the changes.


    • evt: BaseEvent | Event


    Returns void

  • handleSketchFeaturesAdd_(evt: BaseEvent | Event): void
  • Called when a feature is added to the collection of sketch features. Depending on the current behaviour, use the added sketch feature to process the existing geometry.


    • evt: BaseEvent | Event


    Returns void

  • handleWindowBeforeUnload_(e: Event): string
  • Called before the window unloads. Show a confirmation message if there are unsaved modifications.


    • e: Event


    Returns string


  • initializeInteractions_(): void
  • initializeStyles_(styles: Object, color: Color, opt_incVertice: boolean): void
  • isStateInsert(): boolean
  • refreshWMSLayer_(): void
  • registerInteractions_(): void
  • Registers a newly added Layertree controller 'leaf', i.e. groups are excluded.

    If the Layertree controller node id is equal to the layerNodeId configured with this component, then find the WMS layer associated with it for for refresh purpose.


    Returns void

  • resetGeometryChanges_(): void
  • Reset the array of geometry changes. If there are more than one changes, reset them entirely. Then, if there's no changes, clone the current geometry as the first entry. One entry means that there's no changes.

    Returns void

  • save(): void
  • setFeatureStyle_(): void
  • Set the style of the feature depending on:

    • the geometry type
    • the dirty state of the component
    • whether the modify control is active or not

    Returns void

  • toggle_(active: boolean): void
  • undo(): void
  • undoAllChanges_(): void
  • unregisterAllTreeCtrl_(): void
  • Unregisters all currently registered Layertree controllers.

    Unset the WMS layer associated with the layerNodeId configured with this component.

    Returns void

  • unregisterInteractions_(): void

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