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  • LidarprofileManager




cartoHighlight: Overlay

The hovered point attributes in D3 profile highlighted on the 2D map

debouncer: (() => void) = ...

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

lidarBuffer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Geometry>>

The profile footpring represented as a LineString represented with real mapunites stroke width

lidarPointHighlight: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Geometry>>

The hovered point geometry (point) in D3 profile highlighted on the 2D map

measure: default
plot: default
pointSum: number
profilePoints: LidarprofilePoints

The variable where all points of the profile are stored

utils: default


  • clearBuffer(): void
  • getProfileByLOD(clippedLine: Coordinate[], distanceOffset: number, resetPlot: boolean, minLOD: number): void
  • Load profile data (lidar points) by successive Levels Of Details using asynchronous requests


    • clippedLine: Coordinate[]

      an array of the clipped line coordinates

    • distanceOffset: number

      the left side of D3 profile domain at current zoom and pan configuration

    • resetPlot: boolean

      whether to reset D3 plot or not

    • minLOD: number

      minimum Level Of Detail

    Returns void

  • setLine(line: LineString): void
  • Set the line for the profile


    • line: LineString

      that defines the profile

    Returns void

  • setMap(map: Map): void
  • updateData(): void
  • Update the profile data according to D3 chart zoom and pan level The update will wait on a 200ms pause on the actions of users before to do the update.

    Returns void

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