  • Public
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  • Controller



$timeout_: ITimeoutService
dataLayerGroup_: LayerGroup
dimensions: Object
gmfDataSourceBeingFiltered: any
gmfExternalDataSourcesManager: any
gmfLayerBeingSwipe: any
gmfPermalink_: any
gmfSyncLayertreeMap_: any
gmfThemes_: any
gmfTreeManager_: any
groupNodeStates_: Object
layerHelper_: LayerHelper
layers: BaseLayer[]
map: Map
ngeoWMSTime_: WMSTime
options: any
root: any
scope_: IScope


  • $onInit(): void
  • afterReorder(): void
  • Update the layers order in the map and the treeCtrl in the treeManager after a reorder of the first-level groups. Then update the permalink.

    Returns void

  • Use the gmfSyncLayertreeMap_ to create and get layer corresponding to this treeCtrl. The layer will be inserted into the map. The layer can be null if the treeCtrl is based on a node inside a mixed node. It this case, the layer will be in the first parent declared as a mixed node.


    Returns BaseLayer | LayerGroup

    The OpenLayers layer or group for the node.

  • Get the icon image URL for the given treeCtrl's layer. It can only return a string for internal WMS layers without multiple childlayers in the node.


    Returns string

    The icon legend URL or undefined.

  • Get the legends object (<LayerName: url> for each layer) for the given treeCtrl.


    Returns Object

    A <layerName: url> object that provides a layer for each layer.

  • Return the current state of the given treeCtrl's node. Return a class name that match with the current node activation state.


    Returns string

    'on' or 'off' or 'indeterminate'.

  • getResolutionStyle(gmfLayer: any): string
  • Return 'out-of-resolution' if the current resolution of the map is out of the min/max resolution in the node.


    • gmfLayer: any

      the GeoMapFish Layer. WMTS layer is also allowed (the type is defined as GmfLayerWMS only to avoid some useless tests to know if a minResolutionHint property can exist on the node).

    Returns string

    'out-of-resolution' or undefined.

  • getScale_(): number
  • isNodeLegendVisible(legendNodeId: string): boolean
  • Parameters

    • legendNodeId: string

      The DOM node legend id

    Returns boolean

    Whenever the legend is currently displayed.

  • Remove layer from this component's layergroup (and then, from the map) on a ngeo layertree destroy event.


    • scope: IScope

      treeCtrl scope.

    • treeCtrl: LayertreeController

      ngeo layertree controller, from the current node.

    Returns void

  • nodesCount(): number
  • removeAllNodes(): void
  • removeNode(node: any): void
  • Determines whether the layer tree controller supports being customized. For example, having its layer opacity changed, displaying its legend, etc.

    If any requirement is met, then the treeCtrl is considered supporting "customization", regardless of what it actually is.

    The requirements are:

    • must not be the root controller, any of the following:
      • it supports legend
      • it supports having the layer opacity being changed


    Returns boolean

    Whether the layer tree controller supports being "customized" or not.

  • tagPopup(node: any): void
  • toggleFiltrableDataSource(ds: any): void
  • toggleNodeLegend(legendNodeId: string): void
  • toggleNodeMenu(menuNodeId: string): void
      • updateLayerDimensions_(layer: Layer<Source, any>, node: any): void
      • Update the timeRangeValue property of the data source bound to the given tree controller and the state of the permalink using the given time.

        LayertreeController.prototype.updateTimeData - description


        • layertreeCtrl: LayertreeController

          ngeo layertree controller

        • time: TimeRange

          The start and optionally the end datetime (for time range selection) selected by user

        Returns void

      • Update the timeRangeValue property of the data source bound to the given tree controller using the given time. If the tree controller has no data source, it means that it has children and they might have data sources.

        The setting of the TIME parameter on the layer occurs in the gmf.datasource.Manager service

        LayertreeController.prototype.updateWMSTimeLayerState - description


        • layertreeCtrl: LayertreeController

          ngeo layertree controller

        • time: TimeRange

          The start and optionally the end datetime (for time range selection) selected by user

        Returns void

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