ngeo layertree controller.
A map that contains the group to insert the not first level group layer.
the layer group to insert the first level group layer.
opt_position: numberfor first level Group, you can precise the position to add the group in the array of layers of the dataLayerGroup.
Create, insert (or update) and return a layer from the GmfGroup or the GmfLayer of the given treeCtrl.
a new layer.
ngeo layertree controller.
A map that contains the group to insert the not first level group layer.
the layer group to insert the first level group layer.
opt_position: numberfor first level Group, you can precise the position to add the group in the array of layers of the dataLayerGroup.
Create, insert and return a layer group (for not mixed case) or a wmsLayer for mixed case).
a new layer.
ngeo layertree controller.
True for a group layer, false for a WMS layer.
Create and insert a layer from a leaf in a mixed group.
a new layer.
ngeo layertree controller.
A map that contains the group to insert the layer.
Return the first parent, from the root parent, that is not mixed.
The first not mixed parent.
ngeo layertree controller.
Get the time parameter for a WMS Layer. If it's a group and it doesn't have time, get the first time parameter available in any child.
A wms time param.
ngeo layertree controller.
Update a WMS layer with the given treeCtrl node information. Assumes that the first parent with ogcServer information is linked to the layer to update and that this treeCtrl node is a leafNode.
ngeo layertree controller.
A map that contains the layer to update.
Return true if a parent tree is mixed, based on its node.
True is any parent is mixed. False Otherwise.
ngeo layertree controller.
Synchronize the state of each layers corresponding to the given tree and all its children.
ngeo layertree controller.
Set the active state of a layer based on its treeCtrl state.
A layer.
ngeo layertree controller.
Generated using TypeDoc
Create insert and return a layer group (for not mixed case) or a wmsLayer (for mixed case). Take care about the insertion order in the map in case of first level group.
a new layer.