Copy each properties from a layer onto an other layer, with the option to exclude specific ones.
The layer from which to copy the properties.
The layer onto which the properties are copied.
opt_excludes: string[]A list of properties that should not be copied.
Create and return an ol.layer.Group. You can pass a collection of layers to directly add them in the returned group.
Layer group.
opt_layers: Collection<BaseLayer>The layer to add to the returned Group.
Vector tile layer.
URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders. A {?-?} template pattern, for example subdomain{a-f}, may be used instead. of defining each one separately in the urls option.
a Mapbox Style object.
the name of the url as identified in the style.
The projection code.
The tile grid to define the source with.
opt_minResolution: numberWMTS minimum resolution.
opt_maxResolution: numberWMTS maximum resolution.
opt_opacity: numberThe opacity.
Create and return a basic WMS layer with only a source URL and a comma separated layers names (see import('ol/source/ImageWMS').default).
WMS Layer.
The source URL.
A comma separated names string.
Image format, for example 'image/png'.
opt_serverType: stringType of the server ("mapserver", "geoserver", "qgisserver", …).
opt_time: stringtime parameter for layer queryable by time/period
opt_params: ObjectWMS parameters.
opt_crossOrigin: stringcrossOrigin.
opt_customSourceOptions: unknownSome layer's source initial options.
opt_customLayerOptions: unknownSome layer initial options.
Create and return a basic WMS layer using an OGC data source.
WMS Layer.
OGC data source.
opt_crossOrigin: stringcrossOrigin.
Create and return a promise that provides a WMTS layer with source on success, no layer else. The WMTS layer source will be configured by the capabilities that are loaded from the given capabilitiesUrl. The style object described in the capabilities for this layer will be added as key 'capabilitiesStyles' as param of the new layer.
A Promise with a layer (with source) on success, no layer else.
The getCapabilities url.
The name of the layer.
opt_matrixSet: stringOptional WMTS matrix set.
opt_dimensions: ObjectWMTS dimensions.
opt_customOptions: ObjectSome initial options.
opt_minResolution: numberWMTS minimum resolution.
opt_maxResolution: numberWMTS maximum resolution.
opt_opacity: numberThe opacity.
Create and return a WMTS layer using a formatted capabilities response and a capability layer.
WMTS layer
The complete capabilities object of the service
The layer capability object
opt_dimensions: ObjectWMTS dimensions.
Get an array of all layers in a group. The group can contain multiple levels of others groups. When we flatten a group, we get the child layers. If opacity is defined on the group, this value is lost. Computed opacity is a custom 'back-up' value that contains the calculated value of all ancestors and the given layer.
The base layer, mostly a group of layers.
An array to add layers.
Opacity inherited from ancestor layer groups.
Retrieve (or create if it doesn't exist) and return a group of layer from the base array of layers of a map. The given name is used as unique identifier. If the group is created, it will be automatically added to the map.
The group corresponding to the given name.
A map.
The name of the group.
Get a layer that has the LAYER_NODE_NAME_KEY property equal to a given layer name from an array of layers. If one of the layers in the array is a group, then the layers contained in that group are searched as well.
The node name of the layer we're looking for.
Get the WMS legend URL for the given node.
The legend URL or undefined.
The base url of the wms service.
The name of a wms layer.
opt_scale: numberA scale.
opt_legendRule: stringrule parameters to add to the returned URL.
opt_legendWidth: numberthe legend width.
opt_legendHeight: numberthe legend height.
opt_servertype: stringthe OpenLayers server type.
opt_dpi: numberthe DPI.
opt_bbox: number[]the bbox.
opt_srs: stringThe projection code.
opt_additionalQueryString: ObjectAdditional query string parameters.
Update the LAYERS parameter of the source of the given WMS layer.
The WMS layer.
The names that will be used to set the LAYERS parameter.
opt_time: stringThe start and optionally the end datetime (for time range selection) selected by user in a ISO-8601 string datetime or time interval format
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