Rust Projects

A curated list of projects at Camptocamp where Rust is used.


Abbreviator is a URL Shortener with a SQLite database and is based on Tide and sqlx leveraging the async-std runtime.

It features basic Rust CI, configuration through environment variables, CORS and a minimal Docker image.


The ogcapi project is an ongoing impementation of various OGC API standards.

It features comprehensive type definitions, a server implementation for collections, features, tiles and styles, a PostgreSQL driver and vector data import leveraging gdal.

Swissgeol Viewer

The Swissgeol Viewer has a api written in Rust with a PostgreSQL database and is based on axum and sqlx leveraging the tokio runtime.

Some key features include Json Web Token authorization, Amazon S3 integration through aws-sdk-rust, reversible database migrations and a local development environment base on Docker Compose.