Type alias gmfPermalinkOptions

gmfPermalinkOptions: {
    crosshairEnabledByDefault?: boolean;
    crosshairStyle?: StyleLike;
    pointRecenterZoom?: number;
    projectionCodes?: string[];
    useLocalStorage?: boolean;

Configuration options for the permalink service.

Type declaration

  • Optional crosshairEnabledByDefault?: boolean

    Display the crosshair, gets overridden by the map_crosshair parameter. Default is false.

  • Optional crosshairStyle?: StyleLike

    An alternate style for the crosshair feature added by the permalink service.

  • Optional pointRecenterZoom?: number

    Zoom level to use when result is a single point feature. If not set the map is not zoomed to a specific zoom level.

  • Optional projectionCodes?: string[]

    EPSG codes (e.g. 'EPSG:3857' or '3857'). The permalink service will accept coordinates in these projections and try to detect which projection the given coordinates are in.

  • Optional useLocalStorage?: boolean

    Store the values in the local storage. Default is false.

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