
  • Controller


$timeout_: ITimeoutService
active: boolean
dirty: boolean

Flag shared with the gmf-editfeature directive used to determine if it has unsaved changes or not.

editableTreeCtrls: LayertreeController[]

List of editable Layertree controllers.

gmfThemes_: any
gmfTreeManager_: any
map: Map
scope_: IScope
selectedEditableTreeCtrl: LayertreeController

The currently selected Layertree controller.

state: string

The state of this directive shared with the gmf-editfeature directive. This property allows the proper management of the "stop editing" button. When clicked, the according state is set and the gmf-editfeature directive checks if it has unsaved changes and allow this directive to continue the action that was made or not.

treeCtrlsWatcherUnregister_: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

vectorLayer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Geometry>>


  • Called when the active property of the this directive changes. Manage the activation/deactivation accordingly.


    • active: boolean

      Whether the directive is active or not.

    Returns void

  • Called when the 'stop editing' button is clicked. Set the 'state' variable to 'pending' allow the editfeature directive to check if it can stop or if it requires confirmation due to unsaved modifications.

    Returns void

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