
  • Controller


active: boolean
attributes: Attribute[]
closeAfterSave: boolean


confirmDeferred_: IDeferred<never>

A deferred object resolved after the confirm modal "continue w/o saving" or "save" buttons are clicked.

createActive: boolean
createToolActivate: default
dirty: boolean

Flag that is toggled as soon as the feature changes, i.e. if any of its properties change, which includes the geometry.

editableNode_: any
editableTreeCtrl: LayertreeController
editableWMSLayer_: any
element_: JQuery<HTMLElement>
feature: Feature<Geometry>
featureId: string | number
features: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
geomListenerKeys_: EventsKey[]
geomType: string
gettextCatalog_: gettextCatalog
gmfEditFeature_: any
gmfSnapping_: any
gmfXSDAttributes_: any
highlightVectorLayer_: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Geometry>>
highlightedFeatures_: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
hightlightedFeatures_: Collection<Feature<Geometry>>
interactions_: Collection<Interaction>
listenerKeys_: EventsKey[]
map: Map
mapListenerKeys_: EventsKey[]
mapSelectActive: boolean
mapSelectToolActivate: default
menuMultipleListenerKeys_: EventsKey[]
menuMultiple_: any
menuVertex_: default
menu_: default
modifyToolActivate: default
modify_: Modify
ngeoEventHelper_: EventHelper
ngeoFeatureHelper_: FeatureHelper
ngeoLayerHelper_: LayerHelper
ngeoToolActivateMgr_: ToolActivateMgr
options_: any
pending: boolean

Flag that is toggled while a request is pending, either one to get features when a map is clicked or when saving

q_: IQService
rotateToolActivate: default
rotate_: default
scope_: IScope
serverErrorMessage: string
serverErrorType: string
showServerError: boolean
state: string

The state property shared with the gmf-editfeatureselector directive. For more info, see in that directive.

timeout_: ITimeoutService
tolerance: number
translateToolActivate: default
translate_: default
unsavedModificationsModalShown: boolean

Flag that controls the visibility of the modal that manages unsaved modifications.

vectorLayer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Geometry>>
vertexInfo_: number[]


  • Check if there's a feature selected and if it contains modifications (a.k.a. is dirty), then the confirmation modal is shown.


    The promise attached to the confirm deferred object.


    • Optional scopeApply: boolean

      Whether to force scope to refresh or not. when the confirm modal is not dismissed.

    Returns IPromise<void>

  • Check if there are unsaved modifications. If there aren't, then cancel. Used by the 'cancel' button in the template.


    The promise attached to the confirm deferred object.

    Returns IPromise<void>

  • Called after an insert, update or delete request.


    • resp: IHttpResponse<string | Node | Document | ArrayBuffer>

      Ajax response.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • newFeature: Feature<Geometry>

      The new feature.

    • oldFeature: Feature<Geometry>

      The old feature.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • coordinate: number[]

      The click coordinates.

    • features: Feature<Geometry>[]


    Returns void

  • Called when the map is clicked.

    (1) If a vector feature was clicked, don't do anything (i.e. allow the interactions to do their bindings without selecting a new feature).

    (2) Otherwise, if there is a feature being edited and has unsaved modifications, show the confirmation modal asking the user what to do about it.

    (3) If there's no feature selected or we have one without unsaved modifications or with modifications that were canceled, launch a query to fetch the features at the clicked location.


    • evt: Event | BaseEvent


    Returns void

  • Called when the mapSelectActive property changes.


    • active: boolean

      Whether the map select is active or not.

    Returns void

  • Handles the click on element in the feature menu In the call the parameters are in inverse order!


    • features: Feature<Geometry>[]


    • evt: Event | BaseEvent


    Returns void

  • Handles mouse entering a menu item of the multiple feature menu


    • features: Feature<Geometry>[]


    • evt: Event | BaseEvent


    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • coordinate: number[]

      The click coordinates.

    • features: Feature<Geometry>[]


    Returns void

  • Called when the modal 'save' button is clicked. Do as if the user had clicked on the 'save' input button in the form, which allows the form to be validated.

    Returns void

  • Activate or deactivate this directive.


    • active: boolean

      Whether to activate this directive or not.

    Returns void

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