Desktop application abstract controller.

This file includes import's for desktop components/directives used by the HTML page and the controller to provide the configuration.


  • unknown
    • AbstractDesktopController



contextdataActive: boolean
dataPanelActive: boolean
drawFeatureActive: boolean
drawLidarprofilePanelActive: boolean
drawProfilePanelActive: boolean
editFeatureActivate: boolean
editFeatureActive: boolean
editFeatureVectorLayer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Geometry>>
filterSelectorActive: boolean


gmfDataSourceBeingFiltered: any
gmfLayerBeingSwipe: any

The gmf layer being swipe.

googleStreetViewActive: boolean
importDataSourceActive: boolean
loginActive: boolean
loginInfoMessage: string
mapillaryStreetViewActive: boolean
modalShareShown: boolean
ngeoToolActivateMgr: ToolActivateMgr

The ngeo ToolActivate manager service.

postLoading: boolean
printActive: boolean
printPanelActive: boolean
profileLine: LineString
queryAutoClear: boolean

Set the clearing of the ngeoQuery after the deactivation of the query

queryGrid: boolean
queryGridActive: boolean

To toggle the activation query grid in the HTML, shouldn't be touch (it's managed by angular).

queryPanelActive: boolean
routingPanelActive: boolean
streetViewStyle: Style
toolsActive: boolean

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