Interface SearchComponentDatasource


  • SearchComponentDatasource


bloodhoundOptions: BloodhoundOptions<FeatureCollection<Geometry, {
    [name: string]: any;

The optional Bloodhound configuration for this data set. See:

datasetTitle: string
groupActions: SearchAction[]

List of allowed actions. The list may contain a combination of add_theme, add_group or add_layer

groupValues: string[]

Possible values for the 'layer_name' key. Used to define groups of dataset.

labelKey: string

The name of a corresponding GeoJSON property key in the current dataset. The bound value of this property key will be used as label.

projection: string

The geometry's projection for this set of data.

typeaheadDatasetOptions: Dataset<Feature<Geometry>>

The optional Twitter.Typeahead. configuration for this dataset. See:

url: string

URL of the search service. Must contain a '%QUERY' term that will be replaced by the input string.

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