
  • ObjecteditingManagerService


getFeatureDefered_: IDeferred<Feature<Geometry>>
gmfEditFeature_: any
ngeoLocation_: StatemanagerLocation
q_: IQService


  • Use the EditFeature service to fetch a single feature using parameters in the url. The method returns a promise that has the feature as argument in the callback method. If any parameter in the url is missing, null is returned, otherwise the query is made. If the query returns a feature, it is returned, otherwise one is created with empty geometry and with the property set.



    Returns IPromise<Feature<Geometry>>

  • Called after getting features with comparison filters. Resolve the deferred promise with the first returned feature (if any), otherwise resolve it with a feature created with an empty geometry and the property key + value that was used in the attempt to fetch it.


    • key: string

      Property key.

    • value: string

      Property value.

    • features: Feature<Geometry>[]

      List of features.

    Returns void

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