Module: contribs/gmf/src/themes

Type Definitions


Contains the common element of all the elements of the GeoMapFish layer tree.
  • Object
Name Type Description
id number
metadata module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfMetaData The related metadata.
name string


  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
default_basemap Array.<string> <optional>
The default base map.
open_panel Array.<string> <optional>
When set, contains the name of the panel to open upon loading an application. Note: although this is a list, only one can be defined.
preset_layer_filter Array.<string> <optional>
Name of the layer (data source) that should be toggled in the filter tool upon loading an application. Note: although this is a list, only one can be defined.


A GeoMapFish group not an OpenLayers group neither a WMS group. This represent « first level group » (Block in the layer tree), or all sub nodes that's not a leaf. extends GmfBaseNode
  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
id number (GmfBaseNode)
metadata module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfMetaData (GmfBaseNode)
name string (GmfBaseNode)
children Array.<(module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfGroup|module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfLayer)>
dimensions module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~Dimensions The dimensions managed by the OpenLayers layer, if the value is null we will take the dimension from the application. This is present only on non mixed first level group.
mixed boolean A mixed group is a group on which one the layers comes from different sources, then all the sub GeoMapFish layers (leaf) will be an OpenLayers layer. By opposition a non mixed first level group contains only GeoMapFish layers WMS from the same server, then we have only one OpenLayers layer for all the first level group. All the group child will have the same value of his parent, In other word, all the group of a first level group will have the same value.
ogcServer string <optional>
On non mixed first level group it is the ogc server to use.
time module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~TimeProperty <optional>
On non mixed first level group with more then one time layer, it is the time information.
popupId string <optional>
a popup identifier for the associate submenu.


A GeoMapFish layer not an OpenLayers layer neither a WMS layer. This is also the leaf of the tree. extends GmfBaseNode
  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
id number (GmfBaseNode)
metadata module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfMetaData (GmfBaseNode)
name string (GmfBaseNode)
dimensions module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~Dimensions The dimensions managed by the layer, if the value is null we will take the dimension from the application. Present only on layer in a mixed group.
dimensionsFilters module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~DimensionsFiltersConfig The dimensions applied by filters on the layer configuration, if the value is null we will take the dimension from the application.
editable boolean <optional>
style string <optional>
type string WMS or WMTS.
ogcServer string <optional>
popupId string <optional>
A popup identifier for the associate submenu.
layerType string The layer type.


  • Object
Name Type Description
label string
value string


  • Object
Name Type Description
items Array.<module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfLayerAttributeValue>


Additional attributes related on a WMS layers (or WFS features type).
  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
getData boolean | undefined <optional>
If the layer is queryable and this property is set to false, then the layer won't be used in queries issued. Defaults to `true`.
maxResolutionHint number The min resolution where the layer is visible.
minResolutionHint number The max resolution where the layer is visible.
name string
queryable boolean


extends GmfLayer
  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
id number (GmfBaseNode)
metadata module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfMetaData (GmfBaseNode)
name string (GmfBaseNode)
dimensions module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~Dimensions (GmfLayer)
dimensionsFilters module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~DimensionsFiltersConfig (GmfLayer)
editable boolean <optional>
style string <optional>
type string (GmfLayer)
childLayers Array.<module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfLayerChildLayer>
layers string The comma separated list of WMS layers or groups.
maxResolutionHint number The max resolution where the layer is visible.
minResolutionHint number The min resolution where the layer is visible.
ogcServer string <optional>
time module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~TimeProperty <optional>
The time information if the layer directly manage it, see also `{GmfGroup.time}`.


extends GmfLayer
  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
id number (GmfBaseNode)
metadata module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfMetaData (GmfBaseNode)
name string (GmfBaseNode)
dimensions module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~Dimensions (GmfLayer)
dimensionsFilters module:ngeo/datasource/OGC.js~DimensionsFiltersConfig (GmfLayer)
editable boolean <optional>
style string <optional>
type string (GmfLayer)
imageType string 'image/png' or 'image/jpeg'.
layer string
matrixSet string
url string


  • Object
Name Type Attributes Default Description
copyable boolean <optional>
false Whether the geometry from this data source can be copied to other data sources or not. For WMS layers.
directedFilterAttributes Array.<string> <optional>
List of attribute names which should have rules already ready when using the filter tools. For WMS layers.
disclaimer string <optional>
The disclaimer text for this element. For WMS and WMTS layers, layer groups and themes.
enumeratedAttributes Array.<string> <optional>
List of attribute names which have enumerated attribute values (for filters purpose). For WMS layers.
exclusiveGroup boolean <optional>
false Whether the group contains children that have to be mutually exclusive, meaning that only one child may be ON at any time.
iconUrl string <optional>
The URL of the icon to display in the layer tree. For WMS and WMTS layers.
identifierAttributeField string The field used in the 'display query window' as feature title. For WMS layers.
isChecked boolean | undefined <optional>
false Is the layer checked by default. For WMS and WMTS layers.
isExpanded boolean | undefined <optional>
false Whether the layer group is expanded by default. For layer groups (only).
printNativeAngle boolean <optional>
true Whether the print should rotate the symbols. For layer groups (only).
isLegendExpanded boolean | undefined <optional>
false Whether the legend is expanded by default. For WMS and WMTS layers.
legend boolean <optional>
false Display the legend of this layers. For WMS and WMTS layers.
legendImage string <optional>
The URL to the image used as a legend in the layer tree. For WMS and WMTS layers.
hiDPILegendImages Object.<string, string> <optional>
The URLs to the hi DPI images used as a legend in the layer tree. For WMS and WMTS layers.
legendRule string <optional>
The WMS 'RULE' parameter used to display the icon in the layer tree. "Short version" of the 'iconURL' metadata for WMS layers. For WMS layers.
maxQueryResolution number <optional>
The max resolution where the layer is queryable. For WMTS layers.
maxResolution number <optional>
The max resolution where the layer is visible. For WMS layers. On WMTS layers it will have an effect on the node in the layertree but not on the layertree directly.
metadataUrl string <optional>
The URL to the information on this layer. For WMS and WMTS layers.
minQueryResolution number <optional>
The min resolution where the layer is queryable. For WMTS layers.
minResolution number <optional>
The min resolution where the layer is visible. For WMS layers. On WMTS layers it will have an effect on the node in the layertree but not on the layer directly.
queryIconPosition Array.<number> <optional>
values to define the shape (bbox) to use to query the layer. The values are used like a padding in css with 1, 2, 3 or 4 comma separated values: all / top-bottom, left-right / top, right-left, bottom / top, right, bottom, left.
ogcServer string <optional>
The corresponding OGC server for a WMTS layer. For WMTS layers.
opacity number <optional>
1.0 Layer opacity. 1.0 means fully visible, 0 means invisible, For WMS and WMTS layers.
printLayers string <optional>
A WMS layers (comma separated) that will be used instead of the WMTS layer in the print. Used to increase quality of printed WMTS layer. An OGCServer metadata must be set with the name of the OGC server to use for these wms layers. For WMTS layers.
queryLayers string <optional>
Layers names separate by a comma. For WMTS layers: The WMS layers used as references to query the WMTS layers. An OGCServer metadata must be set with the name of the OGC server to use for this wms layer. For WFS GetFeature request: The WFS layers that should be queried.
thumbnail string <optional>
The icon visible in the background selector. For WMS and WMTS layers.
timeAttribute string <optional>
The name of the time attribute. For WMS(-T) layers.
snappingConfig module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfSnappingConfig <optional>
The snapping configuration for the leaf. If set, the leaf's layer is considered to be "snappable", even if the config itself is empty. Example value: {'tolerance': 50, 'edge': false} For WMS layers.
wmsLayers string <optional>
A corresponding WMS layers (comma separated) for WMTS layer. Used to query the WMTS layer and to print them. See also printLayers and queryLayers metadata for more granularity. An OGCServer metadata must be set with the name of the OGC server to use for these wms layers. For WMTS Layers.
customOpenLayersOptions Object <optional>
The custom OpenLayers WMS layer options.
timeout number <optional>
The fetch capabilities timeout in seconds. For WMTS Layers.


  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
credential boolean
imageType string 'image/png' or 'image/jpeg'.
isSingleTile boolean
namespace string <optional>
type string 'mapserver', 'qgisserver', 'geoserver' or 'other'.
url string
urlWfs string The WFS URL.
wfsFeatureNS string <optional>
WFS feature namespace
wfsSupport boolean
attributes Object.<string, Object.<string, module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfOgcServerAttribute>>


  • Object
Name Type Attributes Description
alias string <optional>
The attribute alias.
minOccurs string <optional>
If not '0', then the attribute is considered required.
namespace string The attribute namespace.
type string The attribute type (in namspace).




  • Object
Name Type Description
children Array.<module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfGroup>


  • Object
Name Type Attributes Default Description
activated boolean <optional>
true Determines whether the snapping on this layer is activated by default.
edge boolean <optional>
true Determines whethers the edges of features from the node layer can be snapped or not.
tolerance number <optional>
10 The tolerance in pixels the snapping should occur for the node layer.
vertex boolean <optional>
true Determines whethers the vertices of features from the node layer can be snapped or not.


The element we can select in the theme selector. extends GmfBaseNode
  • Object
Name Type Description
id number (GmfBaseNode)
metadata module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfMetaData (GmfBaseNode)
name string (GmfBaseNode)
children Array.<module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfGroup> The first level layer groups.
functionalities module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfFunctionalities


  • Object


  • Object
Name Type Description
background_layers Array.<(module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfLayer|module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfGroup)>
errors Array.<string>
ogcServers module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfOgcServers
themes Array.<module:contribs/gmf/src/themes~GmfTheme>