Examples index

Mobile application

The mobile example application for GeoMapFish.

Desktop application

The desktop example application for GeoMapFish.

Alternate mobile application

An alternate mobile example application for GeoMapFish.

Alternate desktop application

An alternate desktop example application for GeoMapFish.

Iframe api application

A desktop application for GeoMapFish without any tools that can be used within an iframe.

Object editing editor

An example application for editing an object.

GeoMapFish Authentication example

This example shows how to use the gmf-authentication directive to insert an authentication panel in a GeoMapFish page.

GeoMapFish's background layer selector example

This example shows how to use the gmf-backgroundlayerselector directive to select the map background layer.

Contextual Data GeoMapFish example

This example shows how to use the gmf-contextualdata directive to display coordinates or data related to the point after a right click on the map.

GeoMapFish Datepicker example

This example shows how to use the ngeo-date-picker directive with the gmf WMS time service in order to format the date for WMS.

GeoMapFish Map Query example


GeoMapFish Map Query example

This example shows how to use the ngeo-query component in combination with the gmf.datasource.Manager. The DataSourcesManager fetches the themes returned by the theme service and adds one DataSource, which is used by the querent service per layer definition found. In this example, the layer tree is responsible of creating the layer. You can switch theme and turn on/off layers to see the impact it has on results returned by the query service. To display results, this example use the gmf-displayquerywindow component. Here, this last directive uses a custom style to display all selected features.

Draw Feature Example

This example shows how to use the gmf-drawfeature directive to create, modify and delete vector features on a map and style them as we please.

EditFeature GeoMapFish example

This example shows how to use the gmf.editing.EditFeature service to insert, update and delete features from a layer using a GeoMapFish server. First, you must log in. Then, you can either click on the Insert button to insert a random feature, or click on a feature on the map to either Update or Delete it.

GeoMapFish EditFeature selector example

This example shows how to use the gmf-editfeatureselector directive to edit vector features from editable layers that are defined in the GeoMapFish themes. First, you need to login. Then, select the layer you wish to edit. Finally, you can either click on an existing feature on map to modify or delete it, or you can create a new one using the "Draw" button.

GMF elevation indicator example

This example shows how to use the gmf-elevation directive to get elevation under the mouse position.

Feature Style Example

This example shows how to use the gmf-featurestyle directive to style a vector feature. Click on a feature to show the directive.

GeoMapFish Filter selector example

This example shows how to use the gmf-filterselector directive to apply filters on the layers on the map.

GeoMapFish Import DataSource example

This example shows how to use the gmf-importdatasource component, which allows the addition of external WMS/WMTS layers in the map. It also supports the addition of files, such as KML and GPX.

GeoMapFish Layer Tree Example

This example shows how to use the gmf.Layertree directive. This layertree needs a source object (that can change) that describes layers like the c2cgeoportal themes service. The wmsUrl is used by internals WMS layers but you can use WMS externals layers and WMTS layers too.

GeoMapFish Layer Tree Example

This example shows how to use the gmf.Layertree directive. This layertree needs a source object (that can change) that describes layers like the c2cgeoportal themes service. The wmsUrl is used by internals WMS layers but you can use WMS externals layers and WMTS layers too.

GMF LIDAR profile example

This example shows how to use the gmf-lidarprofile with the gmf-lidar-panel.

Mobile Measure Example

This example shows how to use the gmf-mobile-measurearea, gmf-mobile-measurelength and gmf-mobile-measure-point directives in combination with ngeo.interaction.MobileDraw interaction objects to allow mobile users to measure areas, distances and know the center coordinate on their devices. The point measure also uses the gmfRaster service to also obtain the height of the location as well.

GeoMapFish Mouse Position Example

This example shows how to use the gmf.mouseposition directive.

ObjectEditing example

This example shows how to use the gmf-objectediting directive to edit a single feature with advanced editing tools.

ObjectEditing - Hub

This example serves as a hub for other examples and applications that uses the ObjectEditing tools. You need to be logged in too.

GeoMapFish Permalink example

This example demonstrates the use of the gmf-permalink service, which is injected inside the gmf-map directive. The following links demonstrate the different features:

This example also demonstrates the use of the gmfPermalinkOptions to customize the permalink crosshair feature style.

GeoMapFish Print example

This example shows how to use the gmf.print.component. Component that generates layout information and manages tools to print with a MapFishPrint v3.

GMF profile example

This example shows how to use the gmf-profile. The draw tool and hover feedback on the map are completely independent of the gmf-profile components. This profile relies on the ngeo.profile (d3) and ngeo.ProfileDirective. It passes a custom css through the optional gmf-profile-options attribute

Search GeoMapFish example

This example shows how to use the gmf-search directive, which is based on Twitter's typeahead component.

GMF Share permalink example

This example shows how to use the gmf-share directive to get a shorten permalink

Simple GeoMapFish example

This example shows how to use the gmf-map directive to insert an OpenLayers map in a GeoMapFish page.

GeoMapFish Theme Selector Example

This example shows how to use the gmf.themeselector directive from a c2c geoportal theme service.

GeoMapFish Timeslider example

This example shows how to use the gmf-time-slider directive.

GeoMapFish WFS Permalink example

This example demonstrates the use of the ngeoWfsPermalink service, which is injected inside the gmf-map directive. The following links demonstrate the different features:

XSD Attributes in GeoMapFish example

This example shows how to use the gmf.editing.XSDAttributes service, which is used to obtain the attributes from a GeoMapFish server using a given layer id. The attributes received are read and transformed into a form using the ngeo-attributes directive.