

c2cgeoportal adds some HTTP headers on its responses with certain default values. You may wish to override the values being written. All this is done in the configuration with the headers section in the vars file with the following syntax:

      cache_control_max_age: 600 # 10 minutes
      access_control_max_age: 600 # 10 minutes
      access_control_allow_origin: [] # list oh hosts (e.g. https://example.com) or '*'
      headers: {} # list of additional headers

Where <view> can be: dynamic, index, api, apihelp, profile, raster, error, themes, config, print, fulltextsearch, mapserver, tinyows, layers, shortener, login.


For the Content-Security-Policy header, c2cgeoportal includes specific variables in its standard template, to facilitate the customization of these values. The naming of these variables follows this pattern: content_security_policy_<path>_<directive>[_extra].

Where <path> can be: main, admin, apihelp or c2c, <directive> can be: default_src, script_src, style_src`, img_src, connect_src or worker_src, [_extra] is a suffix to be able to extend a directive instance of completely overriding it.


To add domain that can access to the authenticated routes you should have something like that in the vars file:

    dynamic: &header {}
    index: *header
    api: *header
    apihelp: *header
    profile: *header
    raster: *header
    error: *header
-   themes: &auth_header {}
+   themes: &auth_header
+     access_control_allow_origin:
+         - "https://your.custom.domain"
+         - "*"
    config: *auth_header
    print: *auth_header
    fulltextsearch: *auth_header
    mapserver: *auth_header
    tinyows: *auth_header
    layers: *auth_header
    shortener: *auth_header
-   login: *auth_header
+   login:
+     access_control_allow_origin:
+         - "https://your.custom.domain"


According the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' standard, when we specify a '*' the browser can read the
content from all origins, but the browser will not send the credentials.

Global headers

For path the not manage with the headers section we can use the global_headers section in the vars file with the following syntax:

    - pattern: <regex>
        <header>: <value>

If a path matches more than one pattern, all headers listed in each match will be applied. If the same header is matched more than once, the last value is kept.

Forward host

Requests passing through the c2cgeoportal proxy will have their host set with the host of the server. It’s possible to keep the original host by adding the host value to preserve in the host_forward_host array of strings.

    - <host.one>
    - <host.two>

Headers whitelist and blacklist

It’s possible to filter the headers of requests with a whitelist or a blacklist.

  headers_whitelist: []
    - <header-one>
    - <header-two>

The whitelist is applied before the blacklist. These lists are applied on each request passing through the c2cgeoportal proxy. Pyramid will still add back its default headers.