Server-side development

Creating a development environment in a project

c2cgeoportal developers often need to test c2cgeoportal changes in the context of an existing c2cgeoportal application. Here is how:

Build the new containers:

git clone
cd c2cgeoportal
make build

Now, the new containers are ready to use in the application on the same host.

Docker images

GeoMapFish provides the following Docker images:

  • camptocamp/geomapfish the base image for the project geoportal runtime image.

  • camptocamp/geomapfish-config the base image for the project config runtime image.

  • camptocamp/geomapfish-tools the base image for the build and for custom tools.

  • camptocamp/geomapfish-qgisserver the QGIS server image with the restricted access plugin.

  • camptocamp/geomapfishapp-geoportal the geoportal image in simple application mode.

In the project you will have two images:

  • camptocamp/<project>-geoportal the geoportal image

  • camptocamp/<project>-config the config image


Running tests

c2cgeoportal has two types of tests: unit tests and functional tests. The unit tests are self-contained, and do not require any specific setup. The functional tests require to run with docker-compose.

Unit tests

Before running the tests, install and build all dependencies:

make preparetest

Run the tests:

make tests

To run only a specific test, use the -k switch. For example:

docker-compose exec tests pytest --verbose --color=yes \
    -k test_catalogue /opt/c2cgeoportal/geoportal/tests


Object model


TreeItem and TreeGroup are abstract classes used to create the tree.

FullTextSearch references a first level LayerGroup, but without any constraints.

metadata vs functionality

The same functionality can be reused by more than one element.

functionalities are designed to configure and customize various parts of the application. For instance, via a functionality you can define which basemap is to be used when a new theme is loaded.

The metadata contains attributes that are directly related to the element; for example, the layer disclaimer.


We use the alembic module for database migration. alembic works with a so-called migration repository, which is a simple directory /opt/alembic in the docker image. So developers who modify the c2cgeoportal database schema should add migration scripts.

Add a new script in c2cgeoportal root directory:

python3 -m pip install --user -e commons
alembic --config=commons/alembic.ini \
    --name=[main|static] \
    revision --message "<Explicit name>"

This will generate the migration script in commons/c2cgeoportal_commons/alembic/[main|static]/xxx_<Explicite_name>.py.

To get the project schema, use: schema = context.get_context().config.get_main_option('schema')

The scripts should not fail if they are run more than once. See:

Then, customize the migration to suit your needs, test it:

docker-compose exec geoportal upgrade head
More information at:

To use alembic scripts on custom schemas or tables see Alembic on custom tables.