Application debugging

The goal of this document is to give some troubleshooting tips.

First, you should copy the file docker-compose.override.sample.yaml to docker-compose.override.yaml, and update the composition docker-compose up -d.

Then access the application on https://localhost:8484/.


You can use the browser-integrated debugging tool, usually available with the F12 key.

Sources map

For debugging purposes, it is better to have all the JavaScript and Style Sheets in separated, non-minified files. To achieve this, you can use the sources maps, a function activable in the browser’s debugging tool.


To have faster builds, you need to use the Webpack dev server; you can achieve this as follows.

In the file geoportal/<package>_geoportal/static-ngeo/js/apps/<interface>.html.ejs, remove the ng-strict-di in the html tag.

Be sure that the service webpack_dev_server is present and uncommented in the docker-compose.override.yaml file.

Restart your application as usual.

Open the application at the following URL: https://localhost:8484/dev/<interface>.html.

Pyramid debugtoolbar

With the default docker-compose.override.yaml, the debug toolbar should appear.

Then the error is directly shown in the request that fails.

You can also open the debug toolbar at https://localhost:8484/_debug_toolbar/


For better security, the session cookie is accessible only via http protocol (meaning, not in JavaScript), and is secure (meaning, the cookie is transmitted only in https requests, not in http requests). For this reason, you should have your application running on https also in your development environment.

With the default configuration in the file docker-compose.override.yaml, your application will be available in https, and the authentication will work.


Sometimes, more information can be obtained by using this command:

docker-compose exec mapserver shp2img -m /etc/mapserver/ -o /tmp/test.png ${'\\'}
    -e 500000 100000 700000 300000 -s 1000 1000 [-l <layers>]

You may also activate MapServer’s debug mode and set the environment variable MS_DEBUGLEVEL of the MapServer container DEBUG to 5 (most verbose level, default is 0).

More information



With the following command, you can access the logs:

docker-compose logs -f --tail=20 [<service_name>]

To have the access log on gunicorn you should add the option --access-logfile=- in the gunicorn arguments (GUNICORN_PARAMS environment variable).

Go inside a container

With the following command, you can get a terminal in a container:

docker-compose exec [--user=root] <service_name> bash

Multiple dev on one server

When you want to run multiple instances on the same server, you should:

  • Use a different docker tag for each instance (DOCKER_TAG in the file .env files, used on the build and on the run)

  • Use a different project name for each instance (COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME in the .env or option -p of docker-compose)

  • Use a different port for each instance (DOCKER_PORT in the .env)

  • If you want to serve your instances through the same Apache server, each instance must have different entry points. (VISIBLE_ENTRY_POINT in the .env)

Developing in Python

Create a development docker-compose.override.yaml

Be sure that the volume for the project is not commented out in docker-compose.override.yaml.

With the docker-compose.override.yaml configuration, Gunicorn will automatically restart on code modification.

You can also do a graceful reload of the running Gunicorn webserver:

kill -s HUP `ps aux|grep gunicorn|head --lines=1|awk '{print $2}'`

Working on c2cgeoportal itself

Clone and build c2cgeoportal, see Server-side development.

If it is not already done, copy the file docker-compose.override.sample.yaml to docker-compose.override.yaml. Be sure that the volumes for c2cgeoportal are uncommented.

Remote debugging using Visual Studio Code

  • In geoportal/requirements.txt uncomment debugpy.

  • In the code add breakpoint() where you want to add a breakpoint.

  • In Visual Studio Code use the config:

        "configurations": [
                "name": "Python: Remote Attach",
                "type": "python",
                "request": "attach",
                "connect": {
                    "host": "localhost",
                    "port": 5678
                "pathMappings": [
                        "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
                        "remoteRoot": "/app/geoportal"

See also: debugpy usage, Python debug configurations in Visual Studio Code

Debugging the upgrade procedure

When upgrading a c2cgeoportal application, things happen as follow:

  • You manually run ./build –upgrade <target_version>;

  • This script downloads the ./upgrade script from target branch on GitHub;

  • The freshly downloaded ./upgrade script pull images from Docker Hub;

  • The c2cupgrade tool is ran from the fresh pulled image.

Note that this does not offer you the possibility to interfere or debug anything.

To be able to debug this workflow, we’ve added a –debug parameter on those scripts that you can set to the root of your local c2cgeoportal folder, example:

# Initiate the upgrade by getting the ./upgrade script from you local c2cgeoportal clone.
./build --debug=../c2cgeoportal --upgrade master

# Run the upgrade step 1 without pulling images from Docker hub,
# and with c2cupgrade file mounted from you local c2cgeoportal folder.
./upgrade --debug=../c2cgeoportal latest 1

With this it is possible to debug ./upgrade and c2cupgrade scripts on the fly when upgrading a real c2cgeoportal application.


We can profile the application by using wsgi_lineprof.

  • In geoportal/requirements.txt uncomment wsgi-lineprof.

  • In geoportal/<package>_geoportal/ replace return config.make_wsgi_app() by:

    from wsgi_lineprof.middleware import LineProfilerMiddleware
    from wsgi_lineprof.filters import FilenameFilter, TotalTimeSorter
    filters = [
        FilenameFilter("c2cgeoportal.*", regex=True),
    return LineProfilerMiddleware(config.make_wsgi_app(), filters=filters)

Then in the logs you will have messages with the profiling information.

Access to a hidden service

Within the Docker composition, you can access a port of a container; you can achieve this via curl, e.-g.:

docker-compose exec tools curl "http://mapserver:8080?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities"

You can also expose a service out of the Docker composition. For that, add a port in your docker-compose.yaml, e.g.:

      - 8086:8080

Be careful, each port can be open only one time on a server.

Use a specific version of ngeo

Clone ngeo and build:

cd geoportal
git clone
cd ngeo
git check <branch>
cd ../..

Add the following alias in your webpack.apps.js.tmpl file:

 resolve: {
   alias: {
     <package>: ...,
+    ngeo: path.resolve(__dirname, 'ngeo/src'),
+    gmf: path.resolve(__dirname, 'ngeo/contribs/gmf/src'),