
To install a GeoMapFish application, you need to have the following components installed on your system:

  • Git
  • Docker >= 1.12 (>= 17 is recommended)
  • Python >= 3.5
  • Python-netifaces
  • Apache >= 2.4 (optional, can be used as a front for SSL)
  • PostgreSQL >= 9.1/PostGIS >= 2.1 in UTF-8
  • gnupg (with dirmngr) optional

In addition, to start a GeoMapFish application, you need to use docker-compose in version 1.8 or later. If docker-compose is not installed on your system, you can install it in your home directory by executing python3 -m pip install --user docker-compose and making sure the installation directory is in your user’s path (upon first installation, you may need to log on again).

Required Apache modules

  • mod_proxy
  • mod_proxy_http

Additional notes for Windows users


  • Go to
  • In the download section, download the installer corresponding to your system
  • Run the downloaded installer
  • Choose an install folder not containing any space or weird characters (like parentheses)

When installing Cygwin, please make sure to install the following non-default packages:

  • make from the devel folder
  • gettext-devel from the devel folder
  • wget from the web folder

Cygwin should always be run in administrator mode. To configure that:

  • Go to the Windows start menu
  • Right-click the Cygwin Terminal program icon
  • Open its properties
  • Under the Compatibility tab, check the Run this program as an administrator

To avoid file permission problems between Windows and Cygwin, edit Cygwin’s /etc/fstab file to disable ACLs like this:

none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,noacl,posix=0,user 0 0

Configure Git

Cygwin comes with its own git package. Configure Cygwin’s git for Windows as follows:

  • Open a Cygwin bash
  • Run git config core.autocrlf true