Infrastructure and Deployment


There are three kinds of environments available for GeoMapFish applications in Camptocamp’s infrastructure:

  • A user environment for the personal tests and development.
  • A shared environment where more than one user should be able to build the application.
  • A production environment.

User environment

Located in the home directory of a user, who is the only one that may access it.

Shared environement

Located in /var/www/vhost/<project_vhost>/private/<project>.

Only user sigdev may access this environment. Developers must then prefix all the commands on this environment by sudo -u sigdev.

To be able to access to GitHub you should use the https protocol.

For instance to update the application:

sudo -u sigdev make -f update
sudo -u sigdev make -f build


If you need to access to GitHub by using the ssh protocol you should add the sigdev key located in /var/sig/.ssh/ as a deploy key of your project (GitHub repo > settings > Deploy keys).

Production environment

To deploy the application to the production environment, one must use the deploy tool from a clean shared environment.

See below.


When we deploy an application we:

  • Deploy the application code (copy, and specific build).
  • Copy the geodata files usually in /var/sig/…
  • Copy the database.
  • Add the Apache configuration

Copying the database may be critical since it may result in losing data. For instance if the target database contains user-edited data such as:

  1. features modified in the editing interface,
  2. shortened URLs,
  3. new passwords.

Preserving user-created data

To prevent data modified by the users (such as editable layers features or short permalinks) from being lost when redeploying the DataBase, such data must be saved in dedicated schemas that will not be replaced.

For that we should have 4 different schemas:

  • one for the application data that should be deployed (<schema>),
  • one for the application data that should not be deployed (<schema>_static),
  • one for the readonly geodata that should be deployed,
  • one for the editable geodata that should not be deployed.

We should configure the deploy tool to deploy only the wanted schema, by setting the following configuration in the [databases] section of the deploy/deploy.cfg.mako file:

names = ${db}.${schema},${db}.<readonly_geodata_schema>
use_schema = true

Shortened URLs

We put the short URL table in a separate schema postfixed with _static then the deploy configuration set in the previous point also fix this case.

Administration interface

All configurations done in the administration interface of the development host are deployed to the production host as well. As a result it is not necessary (and not recommended) to make changes in the production administration interface.

Deploy configuration

The first time you want do deploy an application the configuration should be set up in file deploy/deploy.cfg[.mako].

The deploy tool has four parts:

  • [files] to deploy the GeoTIFF, ShapeFiles and so on.
  • [databases] to deploy the database.
  • [code] to deploy the application.
  • [apache] to build the apache config.

An other important section is the [remote_hosts] where we configure the demo and production hosts.

All the configuration option can be found in /etc/deploy/deploy.cfg.

Get help with the command line deploy --help.

Make configuration

To use specific parameter values on the <target> server (for instance for host), create dedicated <target>.mk files that will contain those values. The deploy tool will then automatically detect those files and use them when running the make command on the <target> server.

For instance a makefile for the prod server would be named and look like:

VARS_FILE = vars_main.yaml

include <project>.mk

If you have more than one instance on a domain name you can define apache_entry_point with something like /a_name/. The trailing / is required in the apache_entry_point but not in the URL, than http://host/a_name will work.

Prepare destination host

On the destination host we just need that the schema postfixed with _static already exists.

Do the deploy

First of all be sure that the application on the source server work well!

Connect to your server using your SSH agent:

ssh -A <dev_server>

Go into your project directory:

cd /var/www/vhost/<project_vhost>/private/<project>

Deploy your project:

.build/venv/bin/c2ctool deploy <host>

Where <host> is your destination host that you configured in the deploy/deploy.cfg file, e.g. demo, prod.

To deploy from dev to demo (advanced version)

Build on the dev server:

ssh -A <dev_server> # SSH agent forward is needed
cd /var/www/vhost/<project_vhost>/private/<project>
git pull origin master # update the code
make -f build # configure c2cgeoportal

Test on the dev server

Deploy to the demo server:

cd deploy
sudo -u deploy deploy -r deploy.cfg demo

Test on the demo server

To deploy from demo to prod (advanced version)

Test on the demo server

Deploy on the prod server:

ssh -A <demo_server> # SSH agent forward is needed
cd /var/www/vhost/<project_vhost>/private/<project>
cd deploy
sudo -u deploy deploy -r deploy.cfg prod

Test on the prod server