Simple API Help

This page describes how to use the Simple API. The Simple API provides a JavaScript API for inserting simple maps into web pages.


To use the API you should add the following HTML:

<link src="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
window.onload = function() {
    // add the code here

To put a new map in the page you'll have to put a div element with a certain id where you want your map to be:

<div id='map1' style='width:700px;height:400px;'></div>

A map

var map = new demo.Map({
    div: 'map1', // id of the div element to put the map in
    zoom: 4,
    center: [544500, 210100]

A map with a marker on its center

var map = new demo.Map({
    div: 'map2',
    zoom: 8,
    backgroundLayers: ['OSM map'],
    center: [544500, 210100]

A map with several custom markers

var map = new demo.Map({
    div: 'map3',
    zoom: 8,
    center: [544500, 210100]
    position: [544410, 210100],
    size: [14, 14],
    icon: 'img/info.png'
    position: [544450, 210000],
    size: [18, 18],
    icon: 'img/essence.png'
    position: [544310, 210200],
    size: [14, 14],
    icon: 'img/parking.png'

A map with a subset of overlays

var map = new demo.Map({
    div: 'map4',
    zoom: 0,
    center: [590000, 170000],
    layers: ['ch.astra.hauptstrassennetz', 'polygon', 'point']

A map with some additional controls

var map = new demo.Map({
    div: 'map5',
    zoom: 3,
    center: [544500, 210100],
    layers: ['osm_open'],
    addLayerSwitcher: true,
    addMiniMap: true,
    miniMapExpanded: true,
    showCoords: true

Recenter the map to given coordinates

var map_ = new demo.Map({
    div: 'map6',
    addMiniMap: true,
    miniMapExpanded: true
var button1 = document.getElementById('button1');
button1.onclick = function() {
    map_.recenter([543500, 202154], 7);
var button2 = document.getElementById('button2');
button2.onclick = function() {
    map_.recenter([564500, 216100], 9);

Recenter the map on objects

var map = new demo.Map({
    div: 'map7',
    layers: ['polygon']
    /* the layer name */
    /* the ids of the objects */
    ['94', '125'],
    /* whether to highlight the objects or not */

Load data from a text file

See data.txt.
var map = new demo.Map({
    div: 'map9'
map.addCustomLayer('text', 'My custom txt layer', 'data.txt', {
  success: function() {