TileGeneration Configuration Reference¶
TileCloud-chain configuration¶
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/master/tilecloud_chain/schema.json |
type |
object |
properties |
Defaults |
Used to put YAML references |
type |
object |
Grids |
The WMTS grid definitions by grid name, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-grids |
type |
object |
additionalProperties |
Caches |
The tiles caches definitions by name, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-caches |
type |
object |
additionalProperties |
Layers |
The layers definitions by name, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-layers |
type |
object |
additionalProperties |
Process |
List of available commands by name, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#process |
type |
object |
additionalProperties |
The Simple Queue Service configuration |
type |
object |
properties |
SQS queue |
The queue name |
type |
string |
default |
tilecloud |
additionalProperties |
False |
The Simple Notification Service configuration, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-sns |
type |
object |
properties |
Topic |
The topic |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
Queue store |
The used queue store |
type |
string |
enum |
redis, sqs, postgresql |
default |
redis |
OpenLayers |
Configuration used to generate the OpenLayers example page |
type |
object |
properties |
The projection code |
type |
string |
pattern |
^EPSG:[0-9]+$ |
default |
EPSG:2056 |
Proj4js definition |
The proj4js definition, get it from https://epsg.io/ |
type |
string |
default |
+proj=somerc +lat_0=46.95240555555556 +lon_0=7.439583333333333 +k_0=1 +x_0=2600000 +y_0=1200000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=674.374,15.056,405.346,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs |
Center x |
The center easting |
type |
number |
default |
2600000 |
Center y |
The center northing |
type |
number |
default |
1200000 |
Map initial zoom |
The initial zoom |
type |
number |
default |
3 |
additionalProperties |
False |
Authentication |
The authentication configuration |
type |
object |
properties |
GitHub repository |
The GitHub repository name, on witch one we will check the access rights |
type |
string |
GitHub access |
The kind of rights the user should have on the repository |
type |
string |
enum |
push, pull, admin |
default |
pull |
additionalProperties |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
The headers that we send to the WMS backend
type |
object |
additionalProperties |
The header value |
type |
string |
The WMTS grid definition, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-grids
type |
object |
properties |
Resolution scale |
The scale used to build a FreeTileGrid typically ‘2’ |
type |
integer |
Resolutions |
The resolutions in pixel per meter |
type |
array |
items |
type |
number |
Bounding box |
The bounding box in meter |
type |
array |
maxLength |
4 |
minLength |
4 |
items |
type |
number |
The projection reference |
type |
string |
pattern |
^EPSG:[0-9]+$ |
Proj4 literal |
The Proj4 definition |
type |
string |
Unit |
The projection unit |
type |
string |
default |
m |
Tile size |
The tile size in pixel |
type |
integer |
default |
256 |
Matrix identifier |
The identifier to use in the tiles URL, recommend to be resolution (default) |
type |
string |
enum |
zoom, resolution |
default |
zoom |
additionalProperties |
False |
Cache WMST capabilities file¶
The generated WMTS capabilities file name
type |
string |
default |
1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml |
The HTTP URL %host will be replaces by one of the hosts
type |
string |
Cache host¶
The host used to build the HTTP URLs
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
Cache HTTP URLs¶
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
Cache folder¶
The root folder of the cache
type |
string |
default |
Cache filesystem¶
type |
object |
properties |
const |
filesystem |
additionalProperties |
type |
string |
Cache S3¶
type |
object |
properties |
const |
s3 |
Tiles URL |
The template tiles URL on S3, the argument can be region, bucket and folder |
type |
string |
default |
http://s3-{region}.amazonaws.com/{bucket}/{folder} |
Host |
The S3 host |
type |
string |
default |
s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com |
Bucket |
The S3 bucker name |
type |
string |
Cache control |
The Cache-Control used to store tiles on S3 |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
type |
string |
Cache Azure¶
Azure Blob Storage
type |
object |
properties |
const |
azure |
Container |
The Azure container name |
type |
string |
Cache control |
The Cache-Control used to store tiles on Azure |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
type |
string |
Cache MBtiles¶
type |
object |
properties |
const |
mbtiles |
additionalProperties |
type |
string |
Cache BSDDB¶
type |
object |
properties |
const |
bsddb |
additionalProperties |
type |
string |
The tiles cache definition, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-caches
anyOf |
Layer title¶
The title, use to generate the capabilities
type |
string |
Layer grid¶
The used grid name
type |
string |
Layer bounding box¶
The bounding box where we will generate the tiles
type |
array |
maxLength |
4 |
minLength |
4 |
items |
type |
number |
layer min resolution seed¶
The minimum resolutions to pre-generate
type |
number |
Layer pixel buffer¶
The buffer in pixel used to calculate geometry intersection
type |
integer |
default |
0 |
Layer meta¶
Use meta-tiles, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#meta-tiles
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Layer meta size¶
The meta-tile size in tiles
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Layer meta buffer¶
The meta-tiles buffer in pixels
type |
integer |
default |
128 |
Layer layers¶
The WMS layers
type |
string |
Layer WMTS style¶
The WMTS style
type |
string |
pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\+~\.]+$ |
Layer MIME type¶
The MIME type of the tiles
type |
string |
pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%^&\*_\-\+{}\|’.`~]+/[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%^&\*_\-\+{}\|’.`~]+$ |
Layer extension¶
The layer extension
type |
string |
Layer dimension name¶
The dimension name
type |
string |
pattern |
layer dimensions¶
The WMTS dimensions
type |
array |
items |
type |
object |
properties |
Generate |
The values that should be generate |
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\+~\.]+$ |
Values |
The values present in the capabilities |
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\+~\.]+$ |
Default |
The default value present in the capabilities |
type |
string |
pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\+~\.]+$ |
additionalProperties |
False |
Layer legends¶
The provided legend
type |
array |
items |
type |
object |
properties |
MIME type |
The mime type used in the WMS request |
type |
string |
pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%^&\*_\-\+{}\|’.`~]+/[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%^&\*_\-\+{}\|’.`~]+$ |
Href |
The URL of the legend image |
type |
string |
Width |
The width of the legend image |
type |
string |
Height |
The height of the legend image |
type |
string |
Min scale |
The max scale of the legend image |
type |
string |
Max scale |
The max scale of the legend image |
type |
string |
Min resolution |
The max resolution of the legend image |
type |
string |
Max resolution |
The max resolution of the legend image |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
Layer legend MIME¶
The mime type used to store the generated legend
type |
string |
pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%^&\*_\-\+{}\|’.`~]+/[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%^&\*_\-\+{}\|’.`~]+$ |
Layer legend extension¶
The extension used to store the generated legend
type |
string |
pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ |
Layer pre hash post process¶
Do an image post process before the empty hash check
type |
string |
Layer post process¶
Do an image post process after the empty hash check
type |
string |
Layer geometries¶
The geometries used to determine where we should create the tiles, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-geomsql
type |
array |
items |
type |
object |
properties |
Connection |
The PostgreSQL connection string |
type |
string |
The SQL query that get the geometry in geom e.g. the_geom AS geom FROM my_table |
type |
string |
Min resolution |
The min resolution where the query is valid |
type |
number |
Max resolution |
The max resolution where the query is valid |
type |
number |
additionalProperties |
False |
Layer empty tile detection¶
The rules used to detect the empty tiles, use generate-tiles –get-hash to get what we can use, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-hash
type |
object |
properties |
Title |
The tile size |
type |
integer |
Hash |
The tile hash |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
Layer empty meta-tile detection¶
The rules used to detect the empty meta-tiles, use generate-tiles –get-hash to get what we can use, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-hash
type |
object |
properties |
Size |
The meta-tile size |
type |
integer |
Hash |
The meta-tile hash |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
Layer cost¶
The rules used to calculate the cost
type |
object |
properties |
tile only generation time |
The time to generate a tile without meta-tile |
type |
number |
default |
40 |
tile generation time |
The time to generate a tile from the meta-tile |
type |
number |
default |
30 |
Meta tile generation time |
The time to generate a meta-tile |
type |
number |
default |
30 |
Cost tile size |
The tile mean size in bytes |
type |
number |
default |
20 |
additionalProperties |
False |
Layer WMS¶
type |
object |
properties |
const |
wms |
default |
5 |
default |
128 |
The WMS service URL |
type |
string |
Generate salt |
Should generate a salt to drop the cache |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Query layers |
The layers use for query (To be used with the server) |
type |
string |
Info formats |
The query info format |
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
Parameters |
Additional parameters to the WMS query (like dimension) |
type |
object |
additionalProperties |
The parameter value |
type |
string |
Version |
The used WMS version |
type |
string |
default |
1.1.1 |
additionalProperties |
False |
Layer Mapnik¶
type |
object |
properties |
const |
mapnik |
default |
1 |
default |
0 |
default |
__all__ |
MapFile |
The Mapnik map file |
type |
string |
Data buffer |
The data buffer |
type |
integer |
default |
128 |
Output format |
The Mapnik output format |
type |
string |
enum |
png, png256, jpeg, grid |
default |
png |
A WMS fallback URL (deprecated) |
type |
string |
Resolution |
The resolution |
type |
integer |
default |
4 |
Layers fields |
The Mapnik layers fields |
type |
object |
additionalProperties |
The Mapnik layer fields |
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
Drop empty UTFGrid |
Drop if the tile is empty |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
The layer definition, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-layers
anyOf |
Process command¶
A command
type |
array |
items |
type |
object |
properties |
Command |
The shell command, available parameters: %(in)s, %(out)s,` %(args)s`, %(x)s, %(y)s, %(z)s. |
type |
string |
Need out |
The command will generate an output in a file |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Argument |
Used to build the %(args) |
type |
object |
properties |
Properties |
The arguments used by default |
type |
string |
Verbose |
The arguments used on verbose mode |
type |
string |
Debug |
The arguments used on debug mode |
type |
string |
Quiet |
The arguments used on quiet mode |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
The configuration used for the generation
type |
object |
properties |
Default cache |
The default cache name to be used, default do ‘default’ |
type |
string |
default |
default |
Default layers |
The default layers to be generated |
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
Authorized user |
The authorized user to generate the tiles (used to avoid permission issue on generated tiles) (main configuration) |
type |
string |
Max consecutive errors |
The maximum number of consecutive errors (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
10 |
Error file |
File name generated with the tiles in error, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#tiles-error-file (main configuration) |
type |
string |
Number process |
Number of process used to generate the tiles (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
1 |
additionalProperties |
False |
AWS region¶
The region
type |
string |
pattern |
^(eu|us|ap|sa)-(north|south|east|west|central)(east|west)?-[1-3]$ |
default |
eu-west-1 |
The PostgreSQL configuration (main configuration), the schema can be configured with the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_POSTGRESQL_SCHEMA environment variable
type |
object |
properties |
SQLAlchemy URL |
The SQLAlchemy URL (like: postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@host:5432/database) (main configuration), can also be set in the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_SQLALCHEMY_URL environment variable |
type |
string |
Max pending minutes |
The max pending minutes (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
10 |
additionalProperties |
False |
The Redis configuration (main configuration)
type |
object |
properties |
The server URL (main configuration), can also be set in the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_REDIS_URL environment variable |
type |
string |
pattern |
^rediss?://([^:@/]*:[^:@/]*@)?[^:@/]+(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$ |
Sentinels |
The sentinels (main configuration), can also be set in the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_REDIS_SENTINELS environment variable |
type |
array |
items |
A sentinel (main configuration) |
type |
array |
items |
Sentinel host |
The sentinel host name (main configuration) |
type |
string |
Sentinel port |
The sentinel port (main configuration) |
anyOf |
type |
string |
type |
integer |
additionalItems |
False |
The Redis connection arguments (main configuration) |
type |
object |
The Redis sentinel arguments (main configuration) |
type |
object |
Service name |
The service name (main configuration), can also be set in the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_REDIS_SERVICE_NAME environment variable |
type |
string |
default |
mymaster |
Socket timeout |
The socket timeout (main configuration), can also be set in the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_REDIS_SOCKET_TIMEOUT environment variable |
type |
integer |
Database |
The database number (main configuration), can also be set in the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_REDIS_DB environment variable |
type |
integer |
Redis queue |
The queue name (main configuration), can also be set in the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_REDIS_QUEUE environment variable |
type |
string |
default |
tilecloud |
Timeout |
The timeout (main configuration), can also be set in the TILECLOUD_CHAIN_REDIS_TIMEOUT environment variable |
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Pending timeout |
The pending timeout (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
300 |
Max retries |
The max retries (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
5 |
Max errors age |
The max error age (main configuration), default is 1 day |
type |
integer |
default |
86400 |
Max errors number |
The max error number (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
100 |
Prefix |
The prefix (main configuration) |
type |
string |
default |
tilecloud_cache |
Expiration |
The meta-tile in queue expiration (main configuration), default is 8 hours |
type |
integer |
default |
28800 |
Pending count |
The pending count: the number of pending tiles get in one request (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
10 |
Pending max count |
The pending max count: the maximum number of pending tiles get in one pass (if not generating other tiles, every second) (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
10000 |
additionalProperties |
False |
Configuration used by the tile server, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#distribute-the-tiles
type |
object |
properties |
Cache |
The used cache name |
type |
string |
WMS Layers |
Layers available in the server, default is all layers |
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
Geometries redirect |
Take care on the geometries |
type |
boolean |
default |
False |
Static allow extension |
The allowed extension of static files |
type |
array |
default |
jpeg |
png |
xml |
js |
html |
css |
items |
type |
string |
WMTS path |
The sub-path for the WMTS (main configuration) |
type |
string |
default |
wmts |
Static path |
The sub-path for the static files (main configuration) |
type |
string |
default |
static |
Admin path |
The sub-path for the admin (main configuration) |
type |
string |
default |
admin |
Expires |
The browser cache expiration in hours |
type |
integer |
default |
8 |
Predefined commands |
The predefined commands used to generate the tiles |
type |
array |
items |
type |
object |
properties |
Command |
The command to run |
type |
string |
Name |
The name used in the admin interface |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
Allowed commands |
The allowed commands (main configuration) |
type |
array |
default |
generate-tiles |
generate-controller |
generate-cost |
items |
type |
string |
Allowed arguments |
The allowed arguments (main configuration) |
type |
array |
default |
–layer |
–get-hash |
–generate-legend-images |
–get-bbox |
–help |
–ignore-errors |
–bbox |
–zoom |
–test |
–near |
–time |
–measure-generation-time |
–no-geom |
–dimensions |
items |
type |
string |
admin footer |
The footer of the admin interface |
type |
string |
admin footer classes |
The CSS classes used on the footer of the admin interface |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
The configuration use to calculate the cast (unmaintained)
type |
object |
properties |
Request per layers |
Tile request per hours |
type |
integer |
default |
10000000 |
S3 cost |
The S3 cost (main configuration) |
type |
object |
properties |
S3 Storage |
The storage cost in $ / Gio / month (main configuration) |
type |
number |
default |
0.125 |
S3 Put |
The cost of put in $ per 10 000 requests (main configuration) |
type |
number |
default |
0.01 |
S3 Get |
The cost of get in $ per 10 000 requests (main configuration) |
type |
number |
default |
0.01 |
S3 Download |
The cost of download in $ per Gio (main configuration) |
type |
number |
default |
0.12 |
additionalProperties |
False |
CloudFront cost |
The CloudFront cost (main configuration) |
type |
object |
properties |
CloudFront Get |
The cost of get in $ per 10 000 requests (main configuration) |
type |
number |
default |
0.009 |
CloudFront Download |
The cost of download in $ per Gio (main configuration) |
type |
number |
default |
0.12 |
additionalProperties |
False |
SQS cost |
The SQS cost, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#configure-sqs (main configuration) |
type |
object |
properties |
Request |
The cost of request in $ per 1 000 000 requests (main configuration) |
type |
number |
default |
0.01 |
additionalProperties |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
The configuration of the WMTS capabilities metadata
type |
object |
properties |
Title |
The title |
type |
string |
Abstract |
The abstract |
type |
string |
Service type |
The service type |
type |
string |
default |
Keywords |
The keywords |
type |
array |
items |
type |
string |
Fees |
The fees |
type |
string |
Access constraints |
The access constraints |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
The provider
type |
object |
properties |
Name |
type |
string |
The public URL |
type |
string |
Contact |
The contact |
type |
object |
properties |
Name |
type |
string |
Position |
type |
string |
Info |
The information |
type |
object |
properties |
Phone |
The phone |
type |
object |
properties |
Voice |
The voice number |
type |
string |
Fax |
The fax number |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
Address |
The address |
type |
object |
properties |
Delivery |
The delivery |
type |
string |
City |
The city |
type |
string |
Area |
The area |
type |
string |
Postal code |
The postal code |
type |
integer |
Country |
The country |
type |
string |
The email |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |
The logging configuration to database, see https://github.com/camptocamp/tilecloud-chain/blob/master/tilecloud_chain/USAGE.rst#logging (main configuration)
type |
object |
properties |
Database |
The database (main configuration) |
type |
object |
properties |
Host |
The host (main configuration) |
type |
string |
Port |
The port (main configuration) |
type |
integer |
default |
5432 |
Database |
The database name (main configuration) |
type |
string |
Table |
The table name (main configuration) |
type |
string |
User |
The user name (main configuration) |
type |
string |
Password |
The password (main configuration) |
type |
string |
additionalProperties |
False |
additionalProperties |
False |