

Supported standards

  • TOTP: for two-factor authentication (2FA), this can be used for example with Google Authenticator.

  • OAuth2 as server: An external application can use GeoMapFish as a single sign-on (SSO) for the authentication, even if it was initially implemented to be able to connect from QGIS desktop on an application that requires two factor authentication.

The default policy

By default, c2cgeoportal applications use an auth ticket authentication policy (AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy). With this policy, the user name is obtained from the “auth ticket” cookie set in the request. The policy is created, and added to the application’s configuration, in the application’s main file.

In the file env.project, you can configure the policy with the following variables:

AUTHTKT_TIMEOUT: Default to one day. AUTHTKT_REISSUE_TIME: Default to 2h30, recommended to be 10 times smaller than AUTHTKT_TIMEOUT. AUTHTKT_MAXAGE: Default to one day, good to have the same value as AUTHTKT_TIMEOUT. AUTHTKT_SECRET: Should be defined AUTHTKT_COOKIENAME: Should be defined AUTHTKT_HTTP_ONLY: Default to true. AUTHTKT_SECURE: Default to true. AUTHTKT_SAMESITE: Default to Lax.


With the default configuration, for security reasons, the authentication will only work if the project is served on https.

See also the official documentation.

Using another policy

When using AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy, an “auth ticket” cookie should be set in the request for the user to be identified. In some applications, using a custom identification mechanism may be needed instead, for instance to use SSO. Our knowledge base has an example of how this can be achieved.

User validation

For logging in, c2cgeoportal validates the user credentials (username/password) by reading the user information from the user database table. If a c2cgeoportal application should work with another user information source, like LDAP, a custom client validation mechanism can be set up. Our knowledge base has an example of how this can be achieved.

Basic auth

To be able to access the OGC services from your desktop GIS, you should enable the basic authentication by setting BASICAUTH to True in the env.project file.

To force the application to ask for a password, you should have the attribute authentication_required in your query string.


For security reasons, basic authentication and two factor authentication should not be enabled together.

Two factors authentication

GeoMapFish support TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm) two factors authentication (RFC 6238). To enable the two factors authentication you should set the following settings:

    two_factor: true
    two_factor_issuer_name: <used_issuer_name>

If a user lost his second authentication factor he can’t ask for a new one, to reset it the administrator should uncheck the ‘The user changed his password’ field on the user in the admin interface.


For security reasons, basic authentication and two factor authentication should not be enabled together, you should use OAuth2 for that.

Account lockout

To lock an account after a certain number of authentication failures, set the following settings:

    max_consecutive_failures: 10

To unlock a user, the administrator should uncheck the ‘Deactivated’ field on the user in the admin interface.


To configure the intranet networks fill in the configuration like:

      - 2001:db00::0/24
      - 2001:db00::0/ffff:ff00::

See Python documentation.


Intranet detection is provided to improve usability for web site usage within the Intranet; however, please be aware that Intranet detection is not a secure mechanism. To secure access to sensitive data, do not rely on Intranet detection; for that, you must use user authentication.

A user can easily manually set the Forwarded or X-Forwarded-For header to spoof his IP.

Lost admin password

You can generate a new admin password the following command:

Reset a user password. The username is used as password if the password is not provided with the corresponding option. User can be created if it does not exist yet.

usage: docker compose exec geoportal manage-users [-h] [--password PASSWORD]
                                                  [--rolename ROLENAME]
                                                  [--email EMAIL]
                                                  [config_vars ...] user

Positional Arguments


The URI to the configuration file.

Default: “c2c://geoportal/development.ini”


Variables required by the config file. For example, http_port=%(http_port)s would expect http_port=8080 to be passed here.

Default: ()


The user

Named Arguments

--password, -p

Set password (if not set, username is used as password

--create, -c

Create user if it does not already exist

Default: False

--rolename, -r

The role name which must exist in the database

Default: “role_admin”

--email, -e

The user email

External application

Some service of GeoMapFish has some host restriction if you mix the domain.

Application authentication

To be considered as authenticated we should have the correct Cookie header, we also check the Referer header to be sure that the user is coming from the same domain. If he is equals to the Host header, we consider that the user is coming from the same domain. If your server and client application are not on the same domain, to make the login working, you should add the client application domain name (with port) in the vars in vars/authorized_referers.

This check is also done on the came_from parameter during the login process.


If you use the shortener service to create link on application on another domain name, you should add this domain name in the vars in vars/shortener/allowed_hosts.


We provide a view for the admin interface, to be able to clear the cache per OGC server. If for an unknown reason you have not the same host in the Host header and came_from parameter, you should add the domain of the came_from parameter in the vars in vars/admin_interface/allowed_hosts.

OAuth2 with QGIS

In the admin interface create an ‘OAuth2 Client’ with:


  • Add an Authentication

  • Set a Name

  • Set Authentication to OAuth2

  • Set Grant flow to Authentication code

  • Set Request URL to <geomapfish_base_url>/oauth/login

  • Set Token URL to <geomapfish_base_url>/oauth/token

  • Set Client ID to ‘qgis’

  • Set Client secret to the secret


For security reason a user can only have one active session per client.

If you need to have more than one active session you should provide more than one client.


If your application is accessed in HTTPS, you have to make sure that all URLs generated by the application (CSS and JavaScript files, images, MapServer requests, etc.) use the HTTPS scheme as well. Otherwise the browser will prompt “insecure content” warnings.

There are two ways to manage this:

  • application behind a proxy

  • application and SSL certificate on the same server

Application behind a proxy

If the application is placed behind some proxy that removes the SSL encryption (plain HTTP is used between the proxy and the server), then some specific configuration is required both on the c2cgeoportal application and on the proxy:

  • The proxy should add a specific header to the requests. For example X-Https on (X-Https is the header name, and on is the header value).

In Mako templates, if you need to know what scheme is used, you may test the value of request.scheme. For example:

% if request.scheme == 'https':
    url: 'https://my.wmts.server/'
% else:
    url: 'https://my.wmts.server/'
% endif
/* ... */

Application and SSL certificate on the same server

If the SSL certificate and the application are located on the same server, all requests will be redirected to https. So you should change the scheme to https for all url except for some cases that should always use http (typically, all requests to localhost): see url parameter in tilegeneration configuration.

If you apply ssl encryption on your application, you should take care of the tiles url to use https scheme to avoid mixing secure and insecure contents.

Finally, you should redirect all http requests to https. Depending on your environment, you may need to request this via your infrastructure support.

In case you load http external resources into your application, you should use the resourceproxy service as described below.

Loading non https external resources

If you want to load non https external resources in your https application, you should use the resourceproxy service and add the list of hosts you want to access in your project vars.yaml configuration file:

    # list of urls from which it is safe to load content

Then you can access resources by building urls using the following schema: https://<host>/resourceproxy?target=<targetname>&values=(<valueparam1>,...).

For example:,2633)

Local certificate checks

Certain c2cgeoportal features open a http session to your c2cgeoportal services, for example the checker or the lingua_extractor. If you are running your server in https and wish to disable certificate checks in these connections, you can achieve this by adding the following configuration element to your vars file:

        verify: False

See other options in parameters of requests.Request

Reset password

When a user has forgotten his/her password, a new one may be sent by email if some additional GeoMapFish configuration is provided.

To ensure such an e-mail can be generated, you should add the following configuration in the vars.yaml file:

# SMTP configuration could be already there if needed by other feature
    ssl: true
    user: <username>
    password: <password>
    starttls: false

    # Used to send a confirmation email
    email_subject: New password generated for GeoMapFish
    email_body: |
        Hello {user},

        You have asked for a new password,
        the newly generated password is: {password}

        Sincerely yours
        The GeoMapFish team

If the SMTP host ends with a colon (:) followed by a number, and there is no port specified, that suffix will be stripped off and the number interpreted as the port number to use.

Replace the value by a working SMTP server name.

Security update

To be sure that we regularly get the security updates, every night the GeoMapFish Docker images are rebuild. And every time we do a build we pull the new images to use them.

For project on Kubernetes we also deploy fresh built images every day.

This is good for security but with that we can’t guarantee that the result of a new build works exactly as the previous one.

To avoid incidents on production service, Kubernetes will publish a service only if he start correctly. we are on docker-compose we have to choose ourself. The best is to build the image only on integration when the result is correct we push it on a repository, and on production we will use the images from the repository. The other solution is to use fixed tag for the base image, this imply that we should do a minor update of the application to get the security fix. To do that you should set in the project.yaml file the template parameter unsafe_long_version to True in the template_vars section.

Access to WMS GetCapability

Set hide_capabilities to true in your vars.yaml to disable the WMS GetCapability when accessing the MapServer proxy (mapserverproxy).

Default: false

Access to the admin interface

To disable the admin interface, set enable_admin_interface to false in your vars.yaml file.

Default: true

Access to services by external servers

By default, only localhost can access c2cgeoportal’s services. To permit access to a specific service by an external server, you must set CORS headers (Access-Control-Allow-Origin) in your vars.yaml file.

Add or modify the structure as follows:

        access_control_allow_origin: ["<domain1>", "<domain2>", ...]
        access_control_max_age: 3600

A "*" can be included in access_control_allow_origin to allow everybody to access, but no credentials will be passed in this case.

Available services are:


  • index

  • config

  • api


  • themes

  • login

  • mapserver

  • print

  • profile

  • raster

  • layers

  • login

  • error

Authorized referrers

To mitigate CSRF attacks, the server validates the referrer against a list of authorized referrers.

By default, only the requests coming from the server are allowed. You can change that list by adding an authorized_referers list in your vars.yaml file.

This solution is not the most secure (some people have browser extensions that reset the referrer), but that is the most consistent approach with regard to the different JS frameworks.