
Template configuration

All print-related files are located in the print/ folder, notably the print templates in the print/print-apps/<package> folder.

The main configuration file is print/print-apps/<package>/config.yaml.


The templates make use of attributes which are either passed directly by the client (client attributes) or processed by the print service. The client attributes are specified in the print configuration (print/print-apps/<package>/config.yaml) for each template. It’s possible to remove the standard ones and to create custom ones. By default, they appear as form fields in the UI print panel for the user to fill in. An attribute can be hidden from the UI by adding its name in vars.yaml under gmfPrintOptions.hiddenAttributes.

The standard client attributes in a new install of GeoMapFish are the following:

  • title (string): title of the report (form field is visible by default)

  • comments (string): comment to display in the report (form field is visible by default)

  • debug (boolean): if true, the header of each section of the print template will be printed in the report. Defaults to false and is hidden from the UI by default

  • username (string): filled by the client with the name of the currently logged-in user (not secured). Hidden by default, cannot be renamed

  • timezone (string): filled by the client with the client timezone. Hidden by default, cannot be renamed

Template attributes managed by MapFish Print are mapSubReport, legendDataSource, legendSubReport, numberOfLegendRows, scalebarSubReport, northArrowSubReport (related to the map) and jrDataSource (results of the feature query on the map, if any).

Notes about the scales

The web map and the map printing do not use the same scales. Therefore, if you change the configuration of min/max scaling, you should also test map printing to be sure that it also works as expected.


By default, the configuration is set up to the mutualized print platform as a service from Camptocamp <>.

To use this platform, you should ask Camptocamp to create e.-g. two new applications on the platform, one for the integration, one for the production.

Configure the application name in the MUTUALIZED_PRINT_APP variable of a Makefile.


To test the print locally, you can copy the docker-compose.override.sample.yaml to docker-compose.override.yaml, and uncomment the PRINT_URL environment variable and the print service.

Local print

To use a local print service, you should:

  • Set PRINT_URL to http://print:8080/print/ in the env.project file.

  • Uncomment the print service in the docker-compose.yaml file.

  • Uncomment the !mapUri, !forwardHeaders and !hostnameMatch in the print configuration.

  • Uncomment the print/spec configuration section of the checker in the vars.yaml.