
This section describes how to set up editing for one feature at a time in c2cgeoportal applications. It is accessed via a URL defining the feature and the layer to edit, and opens an object-editing interface which centers on the feature. The feature can then be edited and saved.


The layer has to be editable (see Editing). The user has to have the right to edit it (already logged in or using login via URL, see URL login).

Access via URL

The following parameters can be set in the URL and allow to use the ObjectEditing interface available under /oeedit:

  • objectediting_geomtype: MultiPolygon

  • objectediting_layer: the layer ID from the Admin Interface

  • objectediting_theme: the theme name (untranslated) from the Admin Interface

  • objectediting_property: the key for searching the feature in the database

  • objectediting_id: the value of the key for searching the feature in the database. If not found, a new feature with this value will be created.

Feature editing

  • Access a feature via a URL, center on it if it exists.

  • Editing of this one feature (only one).
    • No tool chosen: Modify the vertices of the feature

    • Plus-tool chosen: Add new parts to the feature (supports multi-point, multi-line, multi-polygon)

    • Minus-tool chosen: Remove parts from the feature

    • Triangle-tool chosen: Draw a fixed-sized by clicking on the map

    • Copy from: Copy a geometry from another layer. The layer needs WFS and a copyable Metadata.

    • Cut from: Cut the feature with a geometry from another layer. The layer needs WFS and a copyable Metadata.

  • FeatureQuery showing a FeatureWindow


The layer must be editable.

Copy / cut: The layer from where one wants to copy / cut from has to be:

  • Available as WFS layer

  • Metadata “copyable” (checked) set on the layer

To change the triangle size, add the following configuration in the vars.yaml file:

        <<: *constants
          regularPolygonRadius: 150