
The geoportal can host multiple organizations, with configuration differences for each organization. In a multi-organization geoportal, each organization will have the same program code (Python, Javascript, SCSS). In this mode all the organizations are served by the same infrastructure.

In this example we will have the came CSS but we can do some variations by using CSS var, see cssVars in gmfOptions in the ngeo GMF constants definitions gmf constants.

The following lines will provide a basic implementation for multi-tenant.

The code should be adapted, currently it handles the hostnames ‘’ and ‘’, and you probably want to put the hardcoded values in the config.

You should have a geoportal/<package>_geoportal/ file like this one:

from pyramid.config import Configurator

def get_instance_prefix(request):
    if == "":
        return "org1"
    if == "":
        return "org2"
    # Can be used to debug the application
    return os.environ.get("DEFAULT_PREFIX", "unknown")

def get_organization_role(request, role_type):
    prefix = get_instance_prefix(request)
    return f"{prefix}-{role_type}"

def get_organization_interface(request, interface):
    prefix = get_instance_prefix(request)
    return f"{prefix}-{interface}"

def get_organization_print_url(request):
    prefix = get_instance_prefix(request)
    print_url = request.registry.settings["print_url"]
    # Custom code can be added to have a different behavior
    return print_url

def includeme(config: Configurator) -> None:
   """Initialize the multi-tenant."""

        get_organization_role, name="get_organization_role")
        get_organization_interface, name="get_organization_interface")
        get_organization_print_url, name="get_organization_print_url")


In the file geoportal/vars.yaml add the following in interfaces the interfaces_config:

    extends: desktop
    redirect_interface: mobile
    lang_urls_suffix: -org1
    extends: mobile
    redirect_interface: desktop
    lang_urls_suffix: -org1
    extends: desktop
    redirect_interface: mobile
    lang_urls_suffix: -org2
    extends: mobile
    redirect_interface: desktop
    lang_urls_suffix: -org2


The following roles should be created and completed as needed (the original roles anonymous, registered and intranet are no more used):

- org1-anonymous
- org1-registered
- org1-intranet
- org2-anonymous
- org2-registered
- org2-intranet


For each organization, a set of localization file should be created.

First you should create a tenants.yaml file like that:

    suffix: -org1
    curl_args: <optional>

The general workflow is:

  • run scripts/multi-tenant-update-po.

  • This will run one make update-po-from-url for each organization with different environment variables.

  • The result is one po file set for each organization with the defined suffix.

  • The integrator needs to complete the po files with translations.

  • When the config Docker image is built, all po files are automatically converted to JSON files with the same suffix.

  • At runtime, the dynamic view will return the appropriate URLs for the translations.


Add this rule in the geoportal/Makefile:

.PHONY: update-client-po
    # Generate po file for org1
    cd .. && SUFFIX=-org1 INTERFACES=desktop-org1,mobile-org1 \
        update-po $(USER_ID) $(GROUP_ID) $(LANGUAGES)
    # Generate po file for org2
    cd .. && SUFFIX=-org2 INTERFACES=desktop-org2,mobile-org2 \
        update-po $(USER_ID) $(GROUP_ID) $(LANGUAGES)

    # Example with all environment variables
    cd .. && \
        SUFFIX=-test \
        INTERFACES=desktop-test,mobile-test \
        THEME_REGEX=.*-test \
        GROUP_REGEX=.*-test \
        WMSLAYER_REGEX=.*-test \
        WMTSLAYER_REGEX=.*-test \
        update-po $(USER_ID) $(GROUP_ID) $(LANGUAGES)

The environment variables that are used by the update-po command are the following:

  • INTERFACES: List of interfaces we want to use.

  • THEME_REGEX: Regular expression used to filter the themes.

  • GROUP_REGEX: Regular expression used to filter the layer groups.

  • WMSLAYER_REGEX: Regular expression used to filter the WMS layers.

  • WMTSLAYER_REGEX: Regular expression used to filter the WMTS layers.

Note that the extractor is able to filter themes and layers based on the given interfaces but there is no link between layer groups and interfaces.

Modify the Dockerfile to create all the needed localization JSON files:

- RUN build-l10n "<package>"
+ RUN build-l10n --suffix=-org1 --suffix=-org2 "<package>"

When loading the frontend, the dynamic view will return the appropriate localization URLs based on the lang_urls_suffix defined in the corresponding interface (in interfaces_config). See the definition above.


With that, one user of the org1 can login to the organization org2 and will have the registered rights.