
This chapter describes how to integrate a new custom interface in a c2cgeoportal application.

custom means that interface can be based on another frontend than ngeo even if at the end of this document we will speak about how to integrate ngeo as a custom interface with a simple build chain.


In the c2cgeoportal application we have by default 3 interfaces: desktop, mobile and iframe.

c2cgeoportal provide different things around interface but they are not hard linked:

  • The interface in the admin interface is a way to define the layers visible in the interface.

  • The interfaces_config in the vars.yaml is a way to define configurations for every interface.

  • The interface in the vars.yaml is a way to configure interfaces route in c2cgeoportal: /, /theme/<theme>, /<interface> and /<interface>/theme/<theme_name>.


Here we will describe how to add a new custom interface in a c2cgeoportal application, for that we should add a new entry in the interface_config with the type set to custom.

      type: custom
      name: my_interface

We can also add an optional html_filename attribute in the config to specify the file that should be used for the interface, with relative (from /etc/static-frontend) or absolute file name.

Interface integration

To publish interfaces we should provide interfaces files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, …) in the /etc/static-frontend/ directory.

The interface files should be in a directory named with the interface name suffixed by .html.

Note that this folder is also available on the /static-frontend/ endpoint with cache headers without any cash bustering, then files (other than interfaces HTML files) should contains an hash.

If you need cache bustering you should put your files in the geoportal/geomapfish_geoportal/static/ directory (/etc/geomapfish/static in the container).

The interface HTML file is considered as mako template and he can use the following variables: - request: the Pyramid request object. - dynamicUrl: the URL to get the interface configuration. - interface: the interface name. - staticFrontend: the URL to the static frontend directory. - staticCashBuster: the URL to the static cash buster directory.

For that you should create a Docker image that provide a /etc/static-frontend/ volume (VOLUME /etc/static-frontend).

And include it in the docker-compose.yaml file with something like:

    image: my_interface
    user: www-data

      - my_interface:ro

Ngeo integration