Webservices documentation

Theme webservice

URL: .../themes


  • version: 2, API version, default is 2.

  • interface: used interface, default is desktop.

  • sets: kind of data we want to get, can be all, themes, group or background_layers, default is all.

  • background: parent group of background layers to get.

  • group: the group to get.

  • min_levels: minimum number of group levels that is required, default is 1.

Requests examples:

  • themes

  • themes?background=background

  • themes?group=Transport

  • themes?group=Transport&sets=group


Base for all possible results:

    "ogcServers": {
        "<name>": <OGC Server name>
    "themes": [<themes>],
    "group": <group>,
    "background_layers": [<layers>],
    "errors": [<errors>]

OGC Server

     "url": "<wms server url>",
     "urlWfs": "<wfs server url>",
     "wfsSupport": (true|false),
     "imageType": "image/(jpeg|png)",
     "isSingleTile": (true|false),
     "type": "(mapserver|geoserver|qgisserver|arcgis|other)",
     "credential: (true|false),"
     "attributes": {
         "<type name>": {
             "<attribute name>": {
                 "type": "<the type name>",
                 "namespace": "<the namespace URL>",
                 "alias": "<the optional alias>",
                 "minOccurs": "<the optional minimum occurs>",
                 "maxOccurs": "<the optional maximum occurs>"


    "name": "<name>",
    "icon": "<icon_url>",
    "functionalities": {
        "<name>": "<values>"
    "metadata": {
        "<name>": "<value>"
    "children": [<items>]


    "name": "<name>",
    "mixed": (true|false),
    # if not mixed
    "ogcServer": {
        "url": "<wms server url>",
        "wfsUrl": "<wfs server url>",
        "wfsSupport": (true|false),
        "imageType": "image/(jpeg|png)",
        "isSingleTile": (true|false),
        "serverType": "(mapserver|geoserver|qgisserver)",
    "metadata": {
        "<name>": "<value>"
    "dimensions": {
        "<name>": "<value>"
    "children": [<items>]


    "name": "<name>",
    "type": "(WMS|WMTS)",
    "metadata": {
        "<name>": "<value>"
    "dimensions": {
        "<name>": "<value>"

WMS Layer

    "id": <id>,
    "name": "<name in tree>",
    "layers": "<wms_layers>",
    "style": "<style>",
    # if not mixed
    "ogcServer": "<server name>",
    "serverType": "(mapserver|geoserver|qgisserver)",
    "minResolutionHint": <minResolutionHint>,
    "maxResolutionHint": <maxResolutionHint>,
    # end derecated
    "metadata": {
        "identifier_attribute_field": "<display_name>",
        "disclaimer": "<disclaimer>",
        "legend": (true|false),
        "legend_rule": "<legend_rule>",
        "max_resolution": <max_resolution>,
        "min_resolution": <min_resolution>
    "metadataUrls": {
        "url": <url>,
        "type": "TC211/FGDC",
        "format": "text/html"
    "time": {
        "mode": "(value|range)",
        "interval": [<year>, <month>, <day>, <second>],
        "resolution": "(year|month|day|second)",
        "minValue": <minValue>,
        "maxValue": <maxValue>
    "childLayers": [{
        "name": "<name>",
        "queryable": (true|false),
        "minResolutionHint": <minResolutionHint>,
        "maxResolutionHint": <maxResolutionHint>
    "dimensionsFilters": {
        "<name>: {
           "field": "<field_name>",
           "value": "<value>"
        "maxLength": <maxLength>,
        "name": "<name>",
        "nillable": (true|false),
        "restriction": "enumeration",
        "enumeration": [
        "srid": <srid>,
        "type": "(xsd:string|xsd:decimal|xsd:integer|xsd:boolean|xsd:date|xsd:dateTime|xsd:double|xsd:duration|xsd:base64Binary|xsd:time|gml:CurvePropertyType|gml:GeometryCollectionPropertyType|gml:LineStringPropertyType|gml:MultiLineStringPropertyType|gml:MultiPointPropertyType|gml:MultiPolygonPropertyType|gml:PointPropertyType|gml:PolygonPropertyType)",
        "fractionDigits": <fractionDigits>,
        "totalDigits": <totalDigits>

WMTS layer

    "url": "<wmts_capabilities_url>",
    "layer": "<wmts_layer>",
    "style": "<style>",
    "matrix_set": "<matrix_set>"



Used to login in the application.

URL: .../login

Method: POST

Parameters (post form):

  • login

  • password

  • came_from the URL to which we will redirect after a successful request.

Result HTTP code:

  • 200 Success: Success with the JSON result as Connected JSON result.

  • 302 Found: Success -> redirect to came_from.

  • 400 Bad request: When something is wrong.


Used to log out of the application.

URL: .../logout

Method: GET

Result HTTP code:

  • 200 Success: Success.

  • 400 Bad request: When something is wrong.

User information

Used to get the user information.

URL: .../loginuser

Result HTTP code:

  • 200 Success: Success.

Anonymous JSON result

    "functionality": {
        "<functionality_name>": ["functionality_value"],
    "two_factor_enable": true/false, # Is the two-factor authentication enabled?
    "is_intranet": true/false

Connected JSON result

    "username": "<username>",
    "is_intranet": true/true,
    "two_factor_enable": true/false, # Is the two-factor authentication enabled?
    "roles": [{
        "name": "<role_name>",
        "id": <role_id>
    }, ...],
    "functionality": {
        "<functionality_name>": ["functionality_value"],

User login

Login to the application.

URL: .../login

Parameters (post form):

  • login

  • password

  • otp: The second factor code

Result HTTP code:

  • 200 Success: Success.

  • 302 Found: Success with providing came_from parameter.

  • 400 Bad request: When login or password is missing.

  • 401 Unauthorized: On login failed.

Login successful

Init without two-factor authentication JSON result

    "username": "<username>",
    "is_password_changed": false, # Always false
    "two_factor_enable": false # Always false

Init two-factor authentication JSON result

    "username": "<username>",
    "two_factor_totp_secret": "<secret>", # The two-factor authentication secret on first login
    "otp_uri": "The OTM URI"
    "is_password_changed": false, # Always false
    "two_factor_enable": true # Always true

Change password

Used to change the user password.

URL: .../loginchangepassword

Method: POST

Parameters (post form):

  • login

  • oldPassword

  • newPassword

  • confirmNewPassword

Result HTTP code:

  • 200 Success: Success.

  • 400 Bad request: When something is wrong.

JSON result

    "success": true

Generate a new password

URL: .../loginresetpassword

Method: POST

Used when the user lost his/her password.

Parameters (post form):

  • login

Result HTTP code:

  • 200 Success: Success.

  • 400 Bad request: When something is wrong.

Success JSON result

    "success": true


Layer description

URL: .../layers/<layer_id>/md.xsd


A standard xsd document that describes the layer.

MapFish protocol

URL: .../layers/<layer_id>/....

Parameters and results, see the MapFish protocol.

Enumerate attributes

URL: .../layers/<layer_name>/values/<field_name>


    "items": [{
      "value": "<value>"
    }, ...]

Update feature

URL: .../layers/<layer_name>/<layer_id>/<feature_id>


    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
          "geometry": {
             "type": "MultiPoint",
             "coordinates": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "id": 103,
          "properties": {
             "kind": "tree",
             "good": true,
             "name": "nom",
             "internal_id": null,
             "short_name": "court",
             "height": null,
             "short_name3": "R",
             "short_name2": "2"

Error :

    "message": "error description",
    "error_type": "type of error"

Update feature

URL: .../layers/<layer_name>/<layer_id>


    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
          "geometry": {
             "type": "MultiPoint",
             "coordinates": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "id": 103,
          "properties": {
             "kind": "tree",
             "good": true,
             "name": "nom",
             "internal_id": null,
             "short_name":" court",
             "height": null,
             "short_name3": "R",
             "short_name2": "2"

Error :

    "message": "error description",
    "error_type": "type of error"


URL: .../raster


  • lon: The longitude.

  • lat: The latitude.

  • layers: The raster layers we want to query.


    "<layer>": <value>,

Digital Elevation Model

URL: .../profile.json

Method POST


  • geom: Geometry field used to get the profile data.

  • layers: On which layers; default is all.

  • nbPoints: Maximum number of points.


A JSON file, with ‘dist’, ‘value’, ‘x’, ‘y’.



URL: .../short/create

Method POST


  • url: URL to shorten.

  • email: Email address to send a message to (optional).

  • message: The user message to add in the email (optional).


    "short_url": <the short URL>


URL: short/<ref>

Result: code: 302, redirect to the original URL.

Geometry processing

This service provides geometry processing (currently only one)


URL: .../difference

Method: POST


    "geometries": [<geomA>, <geomB>]

Where <geomA> is a GeoJSON geometry to extrude, and the <geomB> is the geometry used to do the extrude.

Result: the new GeoJSON geometry.

Localization pot

This service create and returns the list of strings to translate for the localization in gettext POT format.

URL: .../locale.pot

Method: GET


  • interfaces: List of interfaces we want to use.

  • theme_regex: Regular expression used to filter the themes.

  • group_regex: Regular expression used to filter the layer groups.

  • wmslayer_regex: Regular expression used to filter the WMS layers.

  • wmtslayer_regex: Regular expression used to filter the WMTS layers.

  • ignore_i18n_errors: TRUE to ignore most of the error expected during the extraction.