Create a new release


On this page, we use the word version for a major version of GeoMapFish (2.0), and the word release for each step in this version (2.0.0rc1, 2.0.0, 2.0.1, …).

MapFish Geoportal is the pack that includes ngeo and c2cgeoportal; since 2014, both projects are synchronizing their major versions.

For example, <release> can be 2.0.0rc1 for the first release candidate of the version 2.0, 2.0.0 for the final release, 2.0.1 for the first bug fix release, and <version> can be 2.0, 2.1, …

Tasks to do

For ngeo, follows the documentation on ngeo.

On branch creation (start of the integration phase):

  • Create the new branch on demo

  • Create the new branch

  • Use the ngeo package linked to the new branch

  • Create the new Transifex resources

  • Update the master branch

  • Protect the new branch

  • Configure the rebuild

  • Verify that the change log creation is working

  • Configure the branch on the status dashboard

On release creation:

  • Reset the change log

  • Do the tags

  • Publish it

  • Create the new demo

  • Use the new demo


All changes should be committed.

Create the new branch on demo

You should create the new version branch.

You should set the default branch to the new branch.

On the new branch you should copy the file .github/workflows/upgrade-<new version>.yaml to .github/workflows/upgrade-<next version>.yaml and update the versions in the new file:

name: Upgrade <version>

      - geomapfish_<version>_updated

    name: Upgrade <version>

          - prod-<version>

Create the new branch

You should create the new version branch.

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b "${NEW_VERSION}"
git push --set-upstream origin "${NEW_VERSION}"
git push origin "${NEW_VERSION}"
In the files .github/workflows/main.yaml and .github/workflows/qgis.yaml set MAIN_BRANCH to

<new version>.

Use the ngeo package linked to the new branch

In c2cgeoportal new version branch, in the file geoportal/package.json, set the ngeo version to version-<new version>-latest.

Create the new Transifex resources


tx pull --source --branch="${NEW_VERSION}" --force \
tx pull --translations --branch="${NEW_VERSION}" --force --all \

tx push --branch="${NEXT_VERSION}" --source --force \
tx push --branch="${NEXT_VERSION}" --translation --force \

Create a pull request

Create a pull request to update the new version branch.

  git checkout -b "setup-${NEW_VERSION}"
  pre-commit run --files=geoportal/package.json npm-lock
  git add geoportal/package.json geoportal/package-lock.json .github/workflows/main.yaml .github/workflows/qgis.yaml
  git commit -m "Use ngeo version ${NEW_VERSION}"
  git push --set-upstream origin "setup-${NEW_VERSION}"

Create the pull request on GitHub.

Update the master branch

git checkout master
git pull

Copy the file .github/workflows/main.yaml from new version branch to master branch as .github/workflows/ngeo-<new version>.yaml and do the following changes:

-name: Continuous integration
+name: Update ngeo <new version>

-  push:
+  repository_dispatch:
+    types:
+    - ngeo_<new version>_updated
+  workflow_dispatch:

-  not-failed-backport:
-    ...

-    name: Continuous integration
+    name: Update ngeo <new version>
-    if: "!startsWith(github.event.head_commit.message, '[skip ci] ')"

-      MAIN_BRANCH: master
-      MAJOR_VERSION: x.y
+      MAIN_BRANCH: x.y
+      MAJOR_VERSION: x.y


       - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+          ref: ${{ env.MAIN_BRANCH }}
           fetch-depth: 0
           token: ${{ secrets.GOPASS_CI_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-        if: env.HAS_SECRETS == 'HAS_SECRETS'
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
-        with:
-          fetch-depth: 0
-        if: env.HAS_SECRETS != 'HAS_SECRETS'


+      - run: cd geoportal && npm update
       - run: scripts/get-version --auto-increment --github
         id: version


       - run: git diff
+      - run: |
+          git add geoportal/package-lock.json
+          git commit -m "Update used ngeo version"


       - name: Publish
         run: >
           --docker-versions=${{ steps.version.outputs.versions }}
           --snyk-version=${{ steps.version.outputs.snyk_version }}
+          --type=rebuild

-      - name: Publish version branch to pypi
-        ...
-      - name: Publish to Transifex
-        ...
-      - name: Publish documentation to
-        ...

And also remove all the if concerning the following tests:

  • github.ref != format('refs/heads/{0}', env.MAIN_BRANCH)

  • env.HAS_SECRETS == 'HAS_SECRETS (optional)

Configure the new branch

In the file .github/workflows/main.yaml and .github/workflows/qgis.yaml set MAJOR_VERSION to

<next version>.

Reset the change log

On the c2cgeoportal new version branch:

  • Empty the file

  • Set the content of the file ci/changelog.yaml to:

      c2cgeoportal: {}
      ngeo: {}
      c2cgeoportal: {}
      ngeo: {}
    releases: []

Security information

On the master branch, update the file with the security information by adding:

| x.y+1 | To be defined |

Backport label

Create the new back port label named backport_<new_version>.

Create the pull request

git add -A
git add .github/workflows/ngeo-*.yaml
git checkout -b "start-${NEXT_VERSION}"
git commit -m "Start the version ${NEXT_VERSION}"
git push --set-upstream origin "start-${NEXT_VERSION}"

Publish it

Send a release email to the and mailing lists.

Create the new demo

Create the new demo on Kubernetes

Use the new demo

On ngeo master branch change all the URL from https://geomapfish-demo-<new version> to https://geomapfish-demo-<next version>