.. _vector_tiles: Vector tiles ============ To serve vector tiles you need to define a grid under key ``vector_tiles`` in ``geoportal/vars.yaml``, example: .. code:: yaml vars: vector_tiles: srid: 2056 extent: [2420000, 1030000, 2900000, 1350000] resolutions: [4000, 2000, 1000, 500, 250, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05] And to build the layer on the ngeo side, you must use the same parameters under key ``interfaces_config.default.constants.gmfVectorTilesOptions``. The projection and the tileGrid must match the map parameters: .. code:: yaml vars: interfaces_config: default: gmfVectorTilesOptions: projection: EPSG:2056 tileGrid: You also need to define at least one "Vector Tiles" layer in admin interface with the following required attributes: name Name of the layer style URL to a Mapbox Style file (version 8 or higher), examples: - https://example.com/mystyle.json - static:///mb_styles/osm_landuse.json sql PostGIS SQL query template with ``{envelope}`` parameter. For example, for considered table: .. code:: sql CREATE TABLE geodata.osm_landuse ( fid integer NOT NULL, osm_id bigint, name character varying(48), type character varying(16), geom public.geometry(Polygon,2056) ); Here is an example SQL query template: .. code:: sql SELECT ST_AsMVT(q, 'osm_landuse') FROM ( SELECT fid, osm_id, name, type, ST_AsMVTGeom("geom", ) as geom FROM geodata.osm_landuse WHERE ST_Intersects("geom", ) ) AS q Then your vector tiles will be accessible, for example in local development mode, through: https://localhost:8484/vector_tiles/{layer_name}/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf .. note:: Currently vector tiles layers in GMF have a limited support. A vector tiles layer can be only added as a background layer. It's not possible to print it and it doesn't support dimensions. Queries can be only done via another WMS layer using the metadata ``ogcServer`` and ``queryLayers``.