.. _integrator_urllogin: URL login ========= You can generate a permalink of your application to give a user direct access to protected data. First, you should configure ``urllogin`` in the vars file: .. code:: yaml urllogin: aes_key: foobarfoobar1234 The AES key must be either 16, 24, or 32 bytes long. To generate a key, you can use the ``docker compose exec geoportal urllogin`` command: .. argparse:: :ref: c2cgeoportal_geoportal.scripts.urllogin.get_argparser :prog: docker compose exec geoportal urllogin This generates a token like: ``auth=148b60cc...`` that you can add in the query string of the permalink. When the user uses this link, s/he will be connected as a normal user, therefore you should be sure that the session timeout is not too big. You can change the session timeout in the ``docker-compose.yaml`` file with: .. code:: yaml services: geoportal: environment: # in second => One day AUTHTKT_TIMEOUT: 86400 How to build your token in your application ------------------------------------------- The content of the token is a json-encoded text like this: .. code:: { u: , p: , t: // end of validity in seconds } This content is then encrypted in AES with the provided key, and encoded in hexadecimal.