.. _integrator_docker: Use Docker to deploy your application ===================================== Architecture schema ------------------- For OpenShift projects: .. mermaid:: graph LR client(Web client); k8s[Kubernetes routing]; geoportal[GeoMapFish server
camptocamp/geomapfishapp-geoportal]; tcc[TileCloud-chain
camptocamp/tilecloud-chain]; tccs[TileCloud-chain slave
camptocamp/tilecloud-chain]; mapserver[MapServer
camptocamp/qgis-server]; tinyows[tinyows]; print[Mapfist Print
camptocamp/mapfish-print]; alembic[GeoMapFish alembic
minor database upgrades]; config[Project config
provides the config for all other containers]; tools[GeoMapFish tools
camptocamp/geomapfishapp-tools]; redis[(Redis)]; redis:::data; postgres[(Postgres)]; postgres:::data; storage[(Object staorage)]; storage:::data; client ==> k8s; k8s ==> geoportal; k8s ==> tcc; geoportal --> tinyows; geoportal ==> mapserver; geoportal -. cache, broadcast .-> redis; geoportal -.-> postgres; geoportal -. raster data .-> storage; tcc -- on the fly --> mapserver; tccs -- pregenertation --> mapserver; tcc -. queue .-> redis; tccs -. queue .-> redis; tcc -. tiles .-> storage; tccs -. tiles .-> storage; geoportal --> print; print --> geoportal; alembic -.-> postgres; mapserver -.-> postgres; mapserver -.-> storage; tinyows -.-> postgres; classDef data fill:#5ba6ff,color:black; For standalone projects: .. mermaid:: graph LR client(Web client); apache[Apache]; subgraph Project composition haproxy[haproxy]; geoportal[GeoMapFish server
camptocamp/geomapfishapp-geoportal]; tcc[TileCloud-chain
camptocamp/tilecloud-chain]; tccs[TileCloud-chain slave
camptocamp/tilecloud-chain]; mapserver[MapServer
camptocamp/qgis-server]; tinyows[tinyows]; print[Mapfist Print
camptocamp/mapfish-print]; alembic[GeoMapFish alembic
minor database upgrades]; config[Project config
provides the config for all other containers]; tools[GeoMapFish tools
camptocamp/geomapfishapp-tools]; redis[(Redis)]; redis:::data; end subgraph Second project composition haproxy2[haproxy]; end postgres[(Postgres)]; postgres:::data; storage[(File system)]; storage:::data; client ==> apache; apache ==> haproxy; apache ==> haproxy2; haproxy ==> geoportal; haproxy ==> tcc; geoportal --> tinyows; geoportal ==> mapserver; geoportal -. cache, broadcast .-> redis; geoportal -.-> postgres; geoportal -. raster data .-> storage; tcc -- on the fly --> mapserver; tccs -- pregenertation --> mapserver; tcc -. queue .-> redis; tccs -. queue .-> redis; tcc -. tiles .-> storage; tccs -. tiles .-> storage; geoportal --> print; print --> geoportal; alembic -.-> postgres; mapserver -.-> postgres; mapserver -.-> storage; tinyows -.-> postgres; classDef data fill:#5ba6ff,color:black; Docker Images ------------- When you build your application, the following images will be generated: * ``camptocamp/_geoportal:latest`` * ``camptocamp/_config:latest`` The tag is by default ``latest``, but you can change it by setting the ``DOCKER_TAG`` Makefile variable. Docker compose files -------------------- * ``docker-compose.yaml``: The main file that describes the composition. * ``docker-compose-lib.yaml``: Provide the base description of Geomapfish Docker services. * ``.env``: Generated from the env files; contains the environment variables used by the composition. * ``docker-compose.override[.sample].yaml``: Some rules for debugging. * ``.env``: The variable used in the compose files. Run the developer composition ----------------------------- .. prompt:: bash docker compose up -d You can then access your application with `https://localhost:8484/ `_. Clean ----- Docker does not clean anything automatically, in particular it does not clean any images, therefore disk space may become problematic after a certain number of builds. You can use the following commands to manually remove Docker files. Use ``docker system prune`` to clean files; you can add the ``--all`` option to do a deeper clean. Environment variables --------------------- The GeoMapFish containers can be customized with some environment variables: Config: * ``VISIBLE_WEB_HOST``: The web host visible by the browser e.g.: 'example.com'. * ``VISIBLE_ENTRY_POINT``: The web path visible by the browser e.g.: '/main/', default to '/'. * ``PGSCHEMA``: The PostgreSQL schema, used to build the access control SQL related to the restriction area. * ``GEOPORTAL_INTERNAL_URL``: Used by the print in non mutualize mode. * ``TILECLOUDCHAIN_INTERNAL_URL``: Used by the print in non mutualize mode. * ``ST_JOIN``: Can be ``ST_Collect`` (default) or ``ST_Union``, ``ST_Collect`` is better for performance but does not support restriction area intersection. * ``DISABLE_HAPROXY_LOGGING``: Set to # to disable haproxy logging. By default haproxy redirect logs to the host ``/dev/log`` socket and they are visible with journalctl * ``HAPROXY_LOGGING_OPTIONS``: Allow to overwrite or add new logging options to haproxy. Geoportal: * ``VISIBLE_ENTRY_POINT``: The web path visible by the browser e.g.: '/main/', default to '/'. * ``PGSCHEMA``: The PostgreSQL schema, used by MapServer. * ``AUTHTKT_TIMEOUT``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``AUTHTKT_REISSUE_TIME``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``AUTHTKT_MAXAGE``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``AUTHTKT_SECRET``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``AUTHTKT_COOKIENAME``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``AUTHTKT_HTTP_ONLY``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``AUTHTKT_SECURE``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``AUTHTKT_SAMESITE``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``BASICAUTH``: See: :ref:`integrator_authentication`. * ``LOG_TYPE``: Should be 'console' with Docker Compose and 'json' with OpenShift. * ``LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for your application, default to ``INFO``, can be ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``, ``ERROR``, ``CRITICAL`` or ``NOTSET``, see also the ``production.ini`` file and the `logging documentation `_. * ``C2CGEOPORTAL_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for all c2cgeoportal modules, default to ``WARN``. * ``C2CWSGIUTILS_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for c2cwsgiutils, default to ``INFO``. * ``GUNICORN_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for Gunicorn, default to ``INFO``. * ``SQL_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for the SQLAlchemy engine``, default to ``WARN``. * ``DOGPILECACHE_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for Dogpile cache, default to ``INFO``. * ``OTHER_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for other modules, default to ``WARN``. * ``C2CGEOPORTAL_THEME_TIMEOUT``: Timeout in seconds used in requests on OGC servers during themes generation, default to ``300``. QGIS server: * ``GEOMAPFISH_CONFIG``: The GeoMapFish config file, default to ``/etc/qgisserver/geomapfish.yaml``. * ``GEOMAPFISH_OGCSERVER``: The OGC server name in single QGIS project mode. * ``GEOMAPFISH_ACCESSCONTROL_CONFIG``: The access control config file for multi QGIS project mode. * ``GEOMAPFISH_POSITION``: The plugin position, default to ``100``. * ``LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for the GeoMapFish plugins, see also the ``logging.ini`` file. * ``C2CGEOPORTAL_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for all c2cgeoportal modules, default to ``INFO``. * ``C2CWSGIUTILS_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for c2cwsgiutils, default to ``INFO``. * ``SQL_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for the SQLAlchemy engine``, default to ``WARN``. * ``OTHER_LOG_LEVEL``: Log level for other modules, default to ``WARN``. * ``QGIS_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL``: Qgis server log level, default to ``2``, ``0`` for verbose. * `Other QGIS server environment variables `_. * ``CPL_VSIL_CURL_USE_CACHE``: GDAL option, default to ``TRUE``. * ``CPL_VSIL_CURL_CACHE_SIZE``: GDAL option, default to ``128000000``. * ``CPL_VSIL_CURL_USE_HEAD``: GDAL option, default to ``FALSE``. * ``GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN``: GDAL option, default to ``TRUE``. * `Other GDAL environment variables `_.