.. _integrator_requirements: Requirements ============ System requirements ------------------- To install a GeoMapFish application, you need to have the following components installed on your system: * **Git** * **Docker** >= 17.05 * **Python** >= 3.8, with ``pip`` * **Apache** >= 2.4 (optional, can be used as a front for SSL) * **PostgreSQL** >= 9.1/**PostGIS** >= 2.1 Required Apache modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``mod_proxy`` * ``mod_proxy_http`` Required PostgreSQL extensions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``postgis`` * ``hstore`` * ``pg_trgm`` (optional) Requirements that can be installed in the user space ---------------------------------------------------- * **Docker Compose** >= 2.20, See `Docker compose install <https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/>`_ * **Docker Buildx** See `Docker Buildx <https://docs.docker.com/build/architecture/#install-buildx>`_ Required Python packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``PyYAML>=6.0`` They can be install in your user directory with: .. code:: bash python3 -m pip install --user PyYAML If not yet done, add ``$HOME/.local/bin`` to your ``PATH``; add in your ``~/.bashrc`` file: .. code:: bash PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH Additional notes for Windows users ---------------------------------- Cygwin ~~~~~~ * Go to https://cygwin.com/ * In the download section, download the installer corresponding to your system * Run the downloaded installer * Choose an install folder not containing any space or weird characters (like parentheses) When installing Cygwin, please make sure to install the following non-default packages: * ``make`` from the ``devel`` folder * ``gettext-devel`` from the ``devel`` folder * ``wget`` from the ``web`` folder Cygwin should *always* be run in administrator mode. To configure that: * Go to the Windows start menu * Right-click the Cygwin Terminal program icon * Open its properties * Under the ``Compatibility`` tab, check the ``Run this program as an administrator`` To avoid file permission problems between Windows and Cygwin, edit Cygwin's ``/etc/fstab`` file to disable ACLs like this: .. prompt:: bash none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,noacl,posix=0,user 0 0 Configure Git ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cygwin comes with its own git package. Configure Cygwin's git for Windows as follows: * Open a Cygwin bash * Run ``git config core.autocrlf true``