.. _integrator_raster: Digital Elevation Tools ======================= c2cgeoportal applications include web services for getting `DEM `_ information. The ``raster`` web service allows getting information for points. The ``profile`` web service allows getting information for lines. To configure these web services, you need to set the ``raster`` variable in the application config (``vars.yaml``). For example: .. code:: yaml raster: mns: file: /var/sig/altimetrie/mns.vrt type: gdal round: 1 mnt: file: /var/sig/altimetrie/mnt.vrt type: gdal round: 1 DTM2: url: 'https://api3.geo.admin.ch/rest/services' type: external_url elevation_name: 'height' ``raster`` is a list of "DEM layers". ``file`` provides the path to the shape index that references the raster files. The raster files should be in the Binary Terrain (BT/VTP .bt 1.3) format. One may use GDAL/OGR to convert data to such a format. ``type`` ``shp_index`` (default) for Mapserver shape index, or ``gdal`` for all supported GDAL sources. We recommend to use a `vrt `_ file built with `gdalbuildvrt `_. ``nodata`` specifies the nodata value. By default the nodata value is directly read from the source. ``round`` specifies how the result values should be rounded. For instance '1': round to the unit, '0.01': round to the hundredth, etc. ``url`` specifies the URL of a service to use to get the elevation or profile. The service must accept a request with the this format for profiles ``{base_url}/profile.json?geom={geom}&nbPoints={nb_points}`` and ``{base_url}/height?easting={lon}&northing={lat}`` for points, where ``{geom}`` is the geometry of the line, ``{nb_points}`` is the number of points to get, ``{lon}`` is the longitude of the point and ``{lat}`` is the latitude of the point. ``elevation_name`` specifies the name of the elevation field in the response. .. note:: gdalbuildvrt usage example: Set the environment variables (example for Exoscale): .. prompt:: bash export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ch-dk-2 export AWS_S3_ENDPOINT=sos-ch-dk-2.exo.io export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= Get the list of uploaded files: .. prompt:: bash aws --endpoint-url https://sos-ch-dk-2.exo.io/ --region ch-dk-2 s3 ls s3:/// Create a file named e.g.: ``list.txt`` with the files we want to generate. .. code:: /vsis3/// And finally generate the VRT file with: .. prompt:: bash gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list list.txt /vsis3///.vrt