
Template configuration

All print-related files are located in the print/ folder, notably the print templates in the print/print-apps/<package> folder.

The main configuration file is print/print-apps/<package>/config.yaml.

Notes about the scales

The web map and the map printing do not use the same scales. Therefore, if you change the configuration of min/max scaling, you should also test map printing to be sure that it also works as expected.


By default, the configuration is set up to the mutualized print platform as a service from Camptocamp <>.

To use this platform, you should ask Camptocamp to create e.-g. two new applications on the platform, one for the integration, one for the production.

Configure the application name in the MUTUALIZED_PRINT_APP variable of a Makefile.


To test the print locally, you can copy the docker-compose.override.sample.yaml to docker-compose.override.yaml, and uncomment the PRINT_URL environment variable and the print service.

Local print

To use a local print service, you should:

  • Set PRINT_URL to http://print:8080/print/ in the env.project file.

  • Uncomment the print service in the docker-compose.yaml file.

  • Uncomment the !mapUri, !forwardHeaders and !hostnameMatch in the print configuration.

  • Uncomment the print/spec configuration section of the checker in the vars.yaml.