Specific configuration for QGIS server

QGIS Desktop configuration

Create a tunnel on the database server

If you cannot connect directly to the database, you can create a tunnel to be able to connect:

ssh -L 5432:localhost:5432 <server>

If you run QGIS in Docker, you should bind to a specific IP:

IP=$(ip addr show dev $(route | grep default | awk '{print $(NF)}' | head -1) | awk '$1 ~ /^inet/ { sub("/.*", "", $2); print $2 }' | head -1)
ssh -L ${IP}:5432:localhost:5432 <remote server>

Run the client with Docker

In a Docker mode, QGIS is configured in the qgisserver/ directory. To edit the configuration, run this target and open the /etc/project/project.qgs file:

make edit-qgis-project

OWS configuration

You should setup your OWS service in the QGIS project properties in the OWS tab.

You should check Service Capabilities and fill Online resource to correctly generate the URLs in the capabilities.

In the WMS capabilities section, you should take care to uncheck the checkbox User layer ids as names. If this checkbox is enabled, you will have unreliable layer names.

In the WMS capabilities section, you should check the checkbox Add geometry to feature response in order to make the WMS GetFeatureInfo work correctly.

In the WFS capabilities section, you should check the layers that need to be available in the WFS service. Also take care on the Update Insert Delete column to make the layer available through the WFS transactional API.

Your QGIS project layers’ CRS should all be in the same CRS. This is subject to change.

Finally, in the project settings, in the QGIS server section, set all the published URL to: https://<application_base_url>/mapserv_proxy?ogcserver=<name>.

Connect to Postgres database

If you want to add PostGIS layers on the main DB, create/edit your $HOME/.pg_service.conf file and add a section for the DB you want to access:

host=<host>  # Localhost address of the Docker network interface (=> ${IP})
port=<database port>
user=<database user>
password=<database password>
dbname=<database name>

host=<host>  # Localhost address of the Docker network interface (=> ${IP})
port=<database port>
user=<database user>
password=<database password>
dbname=<database name>

<host> can be:

  • If you use the tunnel with QGIS on your host: localhost.

  • If you use the tunnel with QGIS on Docker: localhost address of the Docker network interface (=> ${IP}, e.-g.:

  • If you know the host you should use, use it.

Note that if you can connect directly to the database, you don’t need this tunnel. Ask your database administrator for the correct parameters. You probably just need to change the host parameter.

Then, in QGIS, fill only the name and service fields when you create the DB connection.

Use <package> for read only layers, and <package>_master if the layer should be writable.

In the project repository, you should have a qgisserver/pg_service.conf.tmpl file with a section looking like that:



Do not forget to gracefully restart Apache.

Extra PostGIS connection

If you need to add another database connection, add a new section in the $HOME/.pg_service.conf. In the qgisserver/pg_service.conf.tmpl files, add a new section:


And in your docker-compose.yaml file:


With this configuration, the connection will be passed through the environment variables, so that you can change the database connection without rebuilding your application.

OGC server

In the project file, you should set the online resource URL (Project/Properties…/QGIS Server/General information/Online resource) to https://<host>/<entrypoint>/mapservproxy?ogcserver=<name>, e.-g. https://geomapfish-demo-ci.camptocamp.com/mapservproxy?ogcserver=QGIS%20server.

To use the QGIS server in authenticated mode through the mapserv proxy, it is required to be in docker mode, and the configuration should be as follows:

  • Name: <name>, e.-g. QGIS server

  • Base URL: http://qgisserver:8080/

  • WFS URL: empty

  • Server type: qgisserver

  • Image type: recommended to be image/png

  • Authentication type: Standard auth

  • WFS support: recommended to be [X]

  • Is single tile: recommended to be [ ]

Access Restriction

The access restriction is available only for Docker projects.

We provide a Docker image named camptocamp/geomapfish-qgisserver with tag pattern: gmf<Major GeoMapFish version}-qgis${Major QGIS}.

To configure a single project, just provide the OGC server name in the environment variable named: GEOMAPFISH_OGCSERVER.

If you need to provide more than one QGIS project, you should write a config file named, e.g. qgisserver/accesscontrol_config.yaml, with the content:

  <project file path>:
    ogc_server: <OGC server name>

<project file path> should have exactly the same value as the MAP parameter in the Base URL value of the OGC server.

Finally, you should provide the GEOMAPFISH_ACCESSCONTROL_CONFIG to point to a config file e.-g. /etc/qgisserver/accesscontrol_config.yaml, and QGIS_PROJECT_FILE to be empty.

Project in Database

If you store the project in the database, you should set the QGIS_PROJECT_FILE environment variable to something like that: postgresql://<dbuser>:<dbpass>@<dbhost>:<dbport>?sslmode=require&dbname=<dbname>&schema=<dbschema>&project=<projectname>.

If you specify it in the MAP parameter for the OGC proxy, don’t forget to correctly encode it, you can use this service to encode it.

In multi project mode the best is to use in the OGC server URL like this config://qgis1, config://qgis2, in the vars file add:

      url: '{QGISSERVER_URL}'
        MAP: postgresql://{PGUSER}:{PGPASSWORD}@{PGHOST}:{PGPORT}?sslmode={PGSSLMODE}&dbname={PGDATABASE}&schema=qgis&project=qgis1
      url: '{QGISSERVER_URL}'
        MAP: postgresql://{PGUSER}:{PGPASSWORD}@{PGHOST}:{PGPORT}?sslmode={PGSSLMODE}&dbname={PGDATABASE}&schema=qgis&project=qgis2

With that you will not have URL encoding issues.